4-month-old Baby Adib has a severe congenital heart disease. He was born with a defective heart. His father, an accountant in a small firm has borrowed heavily to fund treatment till now and has nothing left to continue his baby's treatment. He needs help saving his baby.

Baby Adib at the hospital with his parents Javed (centre) and Arshya (left)
An x-ray showed that Adib had pneumonia - a direct result of the heart condition. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. When breathing trouble persisted, his heart condition was finally caught. Adib's condition was so bad that the doctors asked his parents to get immediate corrective open-heart surgery.

Instead of spending their time in smiles and joy, Javed and Arshya have spent most of the days since the birth of their son worrying about his well-being, hoping that they don't lose him. While Javed managed to get his son a surgery, he is still in the ICU recovering from the surgery. He needs to be monitored closely for the next few weeks - because he is so small.

Baby Adib is in the hospital's ICU getting better

Baby Adib has a good chance of getting better if he is monitored closely to make sure he does not catch any infections. His parents have exhausted all their resources and now need help saving their baby. Even daily expenses have become a big challenge for these parents, but they just want to save their son. Â
Contribute and save Baby Adib.Â
The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Baby Adib at the hospital with his parents Javed (centre) and Arshya (left)
The parents were in the dark for months before realising Adib was sick
Adib's heart defect was diagnosed almost two months after birth. Adib cried excessively and he didn't choose to feed. His weight did not increase and he even started having breathing trouble. His parents Arshya and Javed took him to the doctor, never imagining that his life was actually in danger.An x-ray showed that Adib had pneumonia - a direct result of the heart condition. He was immediately admitted to the hospital. When breathing trouble persisted, his heart condition was finally caught. Adib's condition was so bad that the doctors asked his parents to get immediate corrective open-heart surgery.

Instead of spending their time in smiles and joy, Javed and Arshya have spent most of the days since the birth of their son worrying about his well-being, hoping that they don't lose him. While Javed managed to get his son a surgery, he is still in the ICU recovering from the surgery. He needs to be monitored closely for the next few weeks - because he is so small.
"His birth was a happy occasion before we found out how sick he was. Now, every time we hold him, there is a thin fear in the back of our minds," says Javed.

Baby Adib is in the hospital's ICU getting better
The Mansuris are struggling to keep things afloat
Arshya is a housewife and Javed works as an accountant in a small firm in Ahmedabad. Javed is the sole earning member and the couple have not been able to save much. The total cost of the surgery alone added up to Rs 3 lakhs. Even if he worked for years, Javed would not be able to put aside this much - he has borrowed heavily to keep his son alive.
Baby Adib has a good chance of getting better if he is monitored closely to make sure he does not catch any infections. His parents have exhausted all their resources and now need help saving their baby. Even daily expenses have become a big challenge for these parents, but they just want to save their son. Â
How you can help
New medications and an extended stay in the ICU have left Javed and Arshya in dire need of help. Your contribution toward Adib will be utilized to give him life-saving post-surgical attention he deserves. It will make all the difference in his recovery.Contribute and save Baby Adib.Â
Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.