44 loans over the last weekend!

Remember our campaign- 64 loans for 64 years of freedom? We managed to get an amazing 44 loans over the weekend alone! Despite not achieving our goal of having 64 borrowers funded by August 15, we were overwhelmed by the results. It was a good head start for such campaign!

Having said that, all this would not be possible without you, our dearest lenders, who generously extended a helping hand to the working poor in India. You have made this holiday exceptionally special for them. Your contribution will not only change the lives of the borrowers, but has also encouraged us to continue to scale greater height in our fund-raising efforts.

We truly appreciate your support and encouragement.

Let’s not stop here, share this joy with your friends and family. Spread the word about Milaap. Let them know how they can impact lives through small loans.

Invite them to like our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Milaap.org or follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/milaapdotorg

Also, they can visit our website at www.milaap.org to sign up as user.

Spread the love and share the joy today!