It was supposed to be just another playful afternoon. Our son was running down the street, his laughter echoing as he chased his kite in the sky. But in a split second, everything changed. He suddenly crumpled, crashing to the ground. What we thought was a minor scrape turned out to be the beginning of a nightmare that has consumed every waking moment of our lives.
My name is Ashok, and my 5-year-old son has been fighting a battle that no child should ever have to face: cancer.
And he's losing...

The fall had seemed harmless at first. My wife and I took him to the local doctor, expecting to hear that he had just a bruise or maybe a sprain. But when they examined him, they found that his urine was blocked. Alarmed, they sent us for scans. We couldn’t have imagined that this would be the moment our lives would be turned upside down.

The scans revealed something terrifying
There was a mass in his abdomen. It was cancer, and by the time we found out, it was already in the 4th stage. The doctors tried to explain something about how the cancer had wound around his nerves and heart, making surgery extremely dangerous. They warned us that the operation could paralyze or even kill him. We went from hospital to hospital, begging for someone to help our son, but everywhere we went, the doctors told us the same thing. Desperate to save him, we tried the surgery anyway, and it failed.

We brought our son home, but soon after, he developed jaundice. His abdomen began to swell, and filled with fluid. We had to get it drained 17 times.
One day, the pressure from the fluid became so intense that it snapped the stitches from his surgery, and fluid started leaking from the holes.

My son has been through too much, and he still has a long way to go
His once-small frame is now dominated by his swollen abdomen, a clear sign of the battles his body has had to fight already. The scar that runs across his stomach is a painful reminder of the failed surgery that has marked his short life. He’s endured countless hospital visits and rounds of chemotherapy. I’ve watched him go from a vibrant, active child to someone who can barely eat, barely walk. The doctors have been doing everything they can, but his condition is worsening by the day. The cancer has become more aggressive, and his body is struggling to keep up. The doctors have told us that he urgently needs another surgery and further rounds of chemotherapy to have any chance of survival.

We have nothing left, except hope
We’ve already spent 9 lakhs on his treatment, selling our house and our gold to try and save him. Now, we need more for another surgery. But we have nothing left. My wife and I are at our breaking point. Our son still has dreams—he sees other children going to school and asks us when he can go too, but we can’t even afford the basics anymore, let alone the life-saving surgery he needs.
I’m begging you, please help us. My son is just five years old. He doesn’t deserve this pain, this suffering. Without your help, we won’t be able to save him. Any amount you can donate will bring us one step closer to giving him the chance to live, to grow up, to be a child again. Please, help us save our son.
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