Mechanic's 3-Year-Old Suffers From Severe Pneumonia, He Needs | Milaap
Mechanic's 3-Year-Old Suffers From Severe Pneumonia, He Needs Help
  • DD

    Created by

    Dr Dhananjay
  • B

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Jaipur, Rajasthan

Sushila and Gulab Chand’s always thought that 24 hours in a day is less for them. They have to run behind Bhageerath and his younger brother who are always up to some mischief.


“They have always been a handful and by the end of the day, when I put them to sleep, I heaved a sigh of relief. But now look at Bhageerath - he is tied to the hospital bed, feeding through tubes. The doctors have told us that he is not out of danger - he needs to stay in the hospital for longer. But what about the cost?” - Sushila, mother of 3-year-old Bhageerath.

All of a sudden he became so weak - this couldn’t be a normal fever

Two weeks ago, Sushila noticed that Bhageerath was coughing and had a cold. Warm water, honey and tulsi (basil leaf) - she did everything but the cold didn’t go away. Instead, he started weaker by the day.
“The doctors in our neighbourhood said that they could do nothing. They advised us to immediately take Bhageerath to a bigger hospital. Once we were there, the tests showed that my son has diphtheria,” - Gulab Chand, father. 

It is a severe infection of the nose and throat caused by bacteria. Bhageerath hasn’t been able to breathe properly for the last 15 days. He also has severe pneumonia. He is in need of a lot of medical care but his family is too poor to afford the hospital stay.

How will I save my son on a mechanic’s income?

Gulab Chand works as a mechanic and earns about Rs 10,000 in a month. Being the sole earning member of the family, he takes care of everything - from his ailing parents to his little children.
“My salary is  enough but we try to manage somehow. But in the last 15 days, I have spent around 3 lakhs. I have mortgaged Sushila’s jewelry, used up all my savings - there is nothing more I can do. I can only beg for your help, you’re our only hope.

Sushila and Gulab Chand sit outside the ICU, waiting for their turn to take a  look at their son.

“But I can’t bear to see him like this. How much more does he have to suffer?” - Sushila.

The desperate parents don’t know the answer to this but they know that with the right kind of treatment their 3-year-old son can come home.

They are counting on your help, a generous contribution can save Bhageerath 

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