Breathe India with Sarveda | Milaap
This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.
Breathe India with Sarveda
  • AA

    Created by

    Arjun Arora
  • RF

    This fundraiser will benefit

    RightWalk Foundation

    from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by RightWalk Foundation

One with India- Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama for Covid Relief in collaboration with Breathe India

One with India is a week-long series of Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation events at Sarveda( by different teachers from across the world to raise funds for Covid Relief in India in collaboration with Breathe India.

These events will be held on a donation basis, the proceedings of which will be donated to Breathe India fund which is working with the SaveLife foundation and Right Walk Foundation to help secure oxygen cylinders and concentrators across Delhi and UP.

SaveLife Foundation has already procured 250 concentrators for hospitals and Covid Care centres across Delhi.  With their collaboration with the Right Walk Foundation, a Lucknow-based NGO which works with slum communities in eleven districts of UP, they will use the proceeds gained from the campaign in buying concentrators, cylinders, oximeters and other medical equipment as required. A collaboration with 'Right Walk' will enable reaching out to less-privileged communities of UP.

An important thing to keep in mind for foreign donors: Please transfer as much funds as you can through Indian accounts: they can be more quickly disbursed!

All the documents (our update, SLF/RWF update, POs, Product Specifications), etc. can now be accessed at:

Please follow us our Yoga event @sarvedalife on Instagram and breathe India's Instagram page @_breatheindia
Thanks for all the love you have showered on us.

About Right Walk Foundation, our Phase-2 partner NGO:
Since its inception, RightWalk has prioritized Social Inclusion, and this has remained the hallmark of its practice. At RightWalk, everyone is a Public Policy Entrepreneur who envisions “Social Inclusion,” and cognizes that Public Policy Advocacy is important for the change we wish to see. We have been perpetual in improving the laws, the policies and the systems that impact inclusion and the communities we serve, giving us an opportunity to be one among the most persuasive and compelling messengers of social inclusion on the planet. We have strong network with public and social eco-system manifested by our strong ties with National Informatic Center-UP, WB and Jharkhand, Microsoft Research, Stanford University, Central Square Foundation, and UNICEF who are some of our technology, strategic and thought partners.

About SaveLife Foundation, our Phase-1 partner NGO:
SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF) is an award-winning non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to saving lives in India since 2008. When COVID-19 hit India in 2020, in particular the capital city-state of Delhi, SLF’s traditional expertise in emergency medical response, first-responder training, and data analytics directly intersected with the needs imposed by the novel virus. Given its existing relationship (through a working MOU) with the Government of Delhi, SLF was immediately requested to help address these problems for the State and people of Delhi. SLF has since helped optimize State’s ambulance service reach people faster, increase the capacity of the emergency response system, and provide direct relief to those affected the most by the pandemic by providing over 10,000 PPE kits for frontline health workers, 80,000 meals for the needy affected by the national lockdown, 60 additional ambulances for the City of Delhi and 100 sanitization machines for ambulances carrying COVID positive patients.

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