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Education & Training

Funding school infrastructure, job-training for youth and skilling the unskilled

Funding school infrastructure

By 2030, 423 million Indians of working age will be unemployed.

With over 60% of Indian children unable to complete secondary education for want of resources and less than 1% of the youth learning a trade or skill in a formal manner, the statistic will become a reality in 2030 if we don’t act now.

Milaap’s approach of financing education loans is 3 fold. We fund infrastructure needs (classrooms, labs, benches, computers, restrooms) of schools serving poor families, partner with institutes to fund job-linked training for youth (Hospitality, IT/ES, Accounting, Nursing, etc.) and provide capital for skilling the informal sector in rural areas ( artisans, weavers, welders, mechanics, etc.) and follow up with seed capital to set up their own businesses.

The long term impact of Education & Training

Quality Education

Quality Education

Better infrastructure in schools

Increase Job Opportunities

Increase Job Opportunities

Job-oriented training for unemployed youth

Reduce Migration

Reduce Migration

Training and mentorship in specific skills

Stories of Change

From being an unemployed youngster who never really thought Raj cared much to have a career, he now works at a BPO and really enjoys his work.