Funding school infrastructure, job-training for youth and skilling the unskilled
With over 60% of Indian children unable to complete secondary education for want of resources and less than 1% of the youth learning a trade or skill in a formal manner, the statistic will become a reality in 2030 if we don’t act now.
Milaap’s approach of financing education loans is 3 fold. We fund infrastructure needs (classrooms, labs, benches, computers, restrooms) of schools serving poor families, partner with institutes to fund job-linked training for youth (Hospitality, IT/ES, Accounting, Nursing, etc.) and provide capital for skilling the informal sector in rural areas ( artisans, weavers, welders, mechanics, etc.) and follow up with seed capital to set up their own businesses.
Better infrastructure in schools
Job-oriented training for unemployed youth
Training and mentorship in specific skills
From being an unemployed youngster who never really thought Raj cared much to have a career, he now works at a BPO and really enjoys his work.