TN Flood Relief - An update on the way forward

A sincere thank you to every one who responded to a number of relief efforts last week. Together, we've raised Rs 1.15 Cr (and counting) for 35 initiatives across these 2 districts. Most of these campaigns are run by individuals and groups directly involved in on-ground relief efforts. 

Few updates on the way forward. 

1) Microsite: All campaigns can now be found here -  You could set up your own campaign for a local initiative or search and donate to an existing one. Questions around fund transfers and updates are also addressed here.

2) Flagship campaign: Donations made through the initial campaign *link* will be utilized towards rehab efforts in specific areas in association with Kolapasi team and their volunteers. Initial survey work has begun (*Learn more*) and we are meeting their team in coming days to decide the timelines. 

3) Monitoring and Impact reporting: Sriram Rangarajan (LinkedIn) and Vishnu Rao (LinkedIn) have joined us as Milaap fellows. They'll be working full-time in Chennai/Cuddalore for a period of six months beginning January 2016. We hope to share not just numbers, but also inspiring stories of resilience and change.

4) Tax-exempt donations in US: US residents who were looking to make a tax-exempt donation (and receive matching from employer) can do so through this link. Pls email us - if you have any questions on this.

5) PayPal issues: Some of you faced issues with PayPal on the 3rd and 4th Dec due to high volume of requests. This got resolved on 5th. Apologies for the inconvenience. Do consider trying again in case you weren't able to. 

6)  Cheque or cash pickups are also available for those residing in India

Real work begins now. Our endeavor is to keep you engaged in the work that'll happen, even if it goes away from our headlines. Let's keep the momentum going.