13-year-old Aspiring Athlete With A Cancerous Tumour In Knee Needs Help To Survive And Run Again

“My son asks “Will I ever run again?” I cannot answer him because I don't know if he will survive. He wanted to be an athlete. He never stopped dreaming and winning races even though we said poor people like us cannot afford to dream big. Today, his future is uncertain. I realize that he should not just survive. He should live. If he beats this disease, I will do everything possible to make his wish come true.” - Laxmi, Varahala's mother.
Varahala is studying in 7th grade and he loved to ride his cycle from his village in Srikakulam A.P to his school which is 3 kms away from his home. He participated in every game and race, winning medals in school. Today, he is bedridden because of cancer and his dreams may never come true.

Ramu and Laxmi had lost their youngest son and cannot afford to lose Varahala to cancer

13-year-old Varahala actively participated in the sports event in the school on Republic Day this year, instead of being happy about the prizes he won he came home crying. He complained about severe knee pain which kept him awake for the whole night. When they consulted the doctor, they were advised to immediately take him to a better hospital. Unsure of what is happening, the parents took him to a hospital in Hyderabad hoping that the problem will be cured with medicines.

“When the doctor told us he had cancerous tumour in his knee, we were shocked and terrified. Hearing the word cancer made it clear to me that my son is fighting for his life. My youngest son died in my arms when he was just 4-year-old due to fever and I cannot afford to lose my only son now. What is the purpose of my life if I lose him as well?” said Ramu (Varahala's father) with teary eyes.

As regular vomits are making him weaker, severe knee pain is only making it worst

Varahala is suffering from Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. He urgently needs chemotherapy treatment and knee surgery to fully recover. Presently, he is undergoing chemotherapy with the help of the money Ramu had borrowed from his relatives. But they can no longer afford the treatment which can save their only son.

When he started loosing his hair he cried continuously for two days thinking something terrible is happening to him. He even fell unconscious many times. Regular vomitings are making him weaker by the day. My child holds me tightly and cries that he can no longer contain the knee and stomach pain, controlling my tears I try to console him saying this is the only way to recover soon,” - Laxmi.

With just Rs 450 a day, this poor daily wage labor cannot save his son

Ramu is a daily wage labourer and barely earns Rs 450 a day. With this minimal income he used to manage to educate his son and feed his family. This unexpected situation has left his family vulnerable. He used up all his savings and borrowed 2 lakhs to support his son’s treatment. Without surgery and complete chemotherapy treatment for 6 months Varahala will not be able to live his dream.

“We have rented a small room near the hospital which costs Rs 2,500 per month and one cycle of chemotherapy is Rs 70,000. I am overwhelmed with the expenses. But at any cost I want to save my son, I am determined to carry him home alive. I have done everything that is in my capacity but looks like it is not enough to help my son survive. Please help me save my only child,” - Ramu.
Varahala is young and active 13-year-old who dreams to become an athlete, their parents who ignored his words before want to do anything save him and make his wish come true. Only with your help, this young boy can run again.

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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