15-Year-Old With Cancer Bleeds Profusely From Nose And Mouth, Needs Help For Urgent Treatment

“Ritesh does not tell us what he is going through, but we know his suffering. He lies down in the bed and sheds silent tears and there is nothing that I can do about that. I hope that I will be able to save my child against all odds,” Rajesh Chander, father of Ritesh.

Ritesh is bleeding from his nose and mouth

Ritesh and his parents are spending sleepless nights at the hospital. His parents are trying their best to comfort him during this time of distress but some days are more difficult than the others. Some nights he just can't sleep because he is bleeding profusely from his nose and mouth.

Way back in 2015, he was diagnosed with acute lymphoid leukaemia, a form of blood cancer.

"He had a fever that lasted for 10-15 days and became very weak. We decided to take him to the hospital then," Rajesh said.

Ritesh became too weak to live normally after his diagnosis

Their worst nightmare came true when the doctor said that Ritesh has blood cancer. He underwent treatment at that point in time. Rajesh had taken loans from friends and family to help his son go through the chemotherapy sessions.

"We used to love playing badminton together but after his diagnosis, he was too weak to even sit up," Rajesh said, getting nostalgic about old times.

Just when the family thought that Ritesh was cancer-free, it came back with full force

Three years had passed after Ritesh's treatment. He got better and the family had thought that things were looking up. But future had something else in store for young Ritesh. His cancer resurfaced.
Rajesh and his wife, Anita, are at their wits' end as to how they should help their son.
"My relatives have been very kind and have helped me with money the previous time. But I don't know what I will do this time if I have no help; I have already sold most of Anita's jewellery," Rajesh said.

Sometimes, his stomach hurts so much that he can’t help but complain

Rajesh and Anita recall how Ritesh had been strong the first time he got to know about his cancer. He was determined to get well. But this time, the standard 9th student seems like he has lost all hope.

"The chemotherapy has darkened his skin and Ritesh also has loose motions. He is a quiet child, he doesn't say but I have a feeling that he has an inkling about our financial constraints," Anita said.

“I can't explain the helplessness you feel seeing your child go through this pain. I myself have fever for some days now, Anita is also not keeping well. We can't attend to our daughter Nikita at all. All we can think about is how to get Ritesh home," Rajesh said.

Ritesh’s only hope is chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant

The first time Ritesh was diagnosed with blood cancer, the family had already spent Rs 10-12 lakhs. For a family that runs on the meagre salary of a government employee funding an almost 6 month-long treatment that would cost them Rs 25 lakhs is next to impossible.

How you can help

Ritesh’s parents are not in a position to help their son get better. But they do not want to lose him; they want Ritesh to go back to his healthy, normal life. With tears in their eyes, the parents request help for Ritesh.

Your contribution can help Ritesh live a better life. 

Supporting Document 

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team. 

Click here to save 15-year-old Ritesh