Mechanic's 7-month-old Son Suffering From A Terrible Birth Defect Needs Ventilator To Breathe

7-month-old Adam John, unlike other normal babies, has not started crawling yet. He responds very slowly to voices. He cannot even curl his fingers to hold toys. Even when he is looking at something, his squint eyes appear like they are looking elsewhere. Baby Adam John has a rare birth defect of the brain due that affects development.

Since he was diagnosed at birth itself, we took extra care of him from the beginning – I even quit my job to care for him 24/7. He is back in the ICU again, this time struggling to breathe,” recalls Suja, the baby’s mother.

'His lungs were getting crushed from inside'

Adam has agenesis of the corpus callousum (ACC) where the white matter connecting the two hemispheres in the brain is absent. This means the two sides of the brain cannot communicate with each other and it affects motor coordination, muscle function, physical development as well as his ability to socialize or even understand people. In addition to this, his parents were shocked to find that he had an elevated diaphragm that was crushing his lungs and depriving his body of oxygen. 

“Adam had stopped breathing all of a sudden – it looked like he was choking. I wondered if he had swallowed something and rushed him to the hospital. We realized his diaphragm was adding pressure on his lungs, suffocating him from the inside. He needed an emergency surgery and is now fighting to recover.”-Suja, mother.

‘One minute he would be fine, and suddenly he would start choking'

Suja and Sinoj had Adam even before they celebrated their first wedding anniversary. Suja noticed that her baby looked different when she held him for the first time itself – his head was cone-shaped and he did not cry like the other newborns in his ward. Soon, the doctors found out that he had very low levels of oxygen in his body too. Even before she could breastfeed him, he was whisked away to the ICU where he was admitted for over a month. He kept having intermittent breathing trouble - he would gasp for air while feeding or even while sleeping, but his parents never expected that it would again land him in the ICU again.

“The surgery was successful, but he still needs oxygen support. When the doctor tried taking him off the ventilator, his oxygen levels and pulse kept wavering. But when I see his little arms moving or an eyebrow twitching, I am hopeful of his full recovery. The nurses also told me that he pays close attention to music, whenever it is played in the ICU. However, I feel helpless when I see him being fed milk through a tube in his nose.”-Suja

This poor couple who lost their house in the Kerala floods last year need your help to save their baby

Sinoj is a car mechanic who earns Rs 700 whenever he gets car parts for repair. Suja used to work as an accountant in a private firm before the birth of her son despite her disability – she was born without her right limb from knee down, and wears prosthetics. Both Sinoj and Suja are extremely hardworking, but fate hasn’t always been in their favour. Their house in Ernakulam was destroyed in the floods that rocked Kerala last year. And due to their son’s poor health, they haven’t been able to save even a paisa as everything would get spent on his treatment.

“In addition to the tests and scans he needs to undergo each month, he also had physiotherapy sessions costing Rs 5000 a month. Now, he is in the ICU and the charges are totally beyond our control. With my in-laws’ help, I was able to spend more than Rs 1 lakh, but I don’t have anything more. We don’t even have a roof over our heads, please help us,” says Sinoj.
Your kind contribution will ensure that this baby survives despite all odds

Supporting document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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