Due to a serious blood disorder this 7 year old constantly bleeds through her nose

Since this January, the life of 7-year-old Sharvani and her family has went upside down. She has stopped going to school, she has stopped playing with her friends, she has boils and injection marks all over her body. She constantly bleeds from her eyes and nose. She has become so weak that she requires 4 units of blood every a week.In order to save Sharvani, her father has to go door to door and arrange blood for the transfusion.

An extremely serious blood disorder - aplastic anaemia 

The disease has made her extremely weak and has reduced the platelet count in her body. Even the doctors had initially given up on her and suggested that "this is an extremely critical case and the child cannot be saved".

However, despite all the odds the girl is fighting for life from this deadly disease and requires your support to regain her health.

She requires an urgent bone marrow transplant to get back her normal life.

It all started with a high fever in January

Sharvani is highly intelligent and active child, she has been the topper of her class and is equally loved by her teachers and other students in her School. However is the first week of January she showed symptoms of very high fever and in week's time from being a chirpy and energetic girl she became bed ridden.

"Initially we thought that she may have caught viral infections and might be suffering from viral fever and took her to a doctor at a private nursing home. Seeing her condition the doctor suggested as she is extremely week the best way to improve her condition would be by getting her a unit of blood" - Recalls Shiva, Sharvani's Father
However, once she was given the unit she immediately vomited thick pools of blood. The doctors concluded there was something wrong in her body and hinted a possiblitiy of a bone marrow defect and recommended the parents to visit hospitals in Bangalore.

"I took her to GS Malleshwarm then to Victoria hospital and then to Kidwai, however, neither a proper diagnosis was done for her ailment, neither I could not afford the cost suggested by them, sad part is we wasted one month moving from one hospital to another to get the proper diagnosis"
By the time she got admitted to St. John's hospital, Shiva, who used to be a driver had already spent 2 lakhs on her diagnosis.

The family has to consistently arrange for blood, to keep her alive

Her current condition is extremely bad, due to her weakness she frequently suffers from fits, her immune system is totatlly damaged and she frequently bleeds from her eyes and her nose.

"I should not have married in my own family, this is all because of our marriage" - Shiva

Shiva and Sharwani's mother Nagaveni belong to the same family and as per Telugu customs, people can marry within there own family, unaware of the fact that this may lead to serious health complication in their children.

However, for Sharvani the positive news is her younger brother can become the bone marrow donor, he is the ideal match and can save her life.

Sharvani dreams of being a doctor, when she grows up

Sharvani is amongst the most popular students of her school, she is only is 2nd standard but she is already loved by her school teachers. She can fluently read a newspaper, and aspires to be doctor.

Even she jokingly tells her father that how she will put an injection on her father's wrist when she becomes a doctor.
Since the parents do not have enough funds she is currently getting blood transfusions in Sreenivasa Children's hospital in Anantapur. Shiva's sister works in that hospital which allows them to get her transfusions done for free.

Even her teachers and her friends from school often visit her in the hospital and hope to see her back in school.

You are the last hope for Sharvani

Sharavani requires close to 12 lakhs for the transplant and for the post-operative care expenses. Her father, Shiva used to be a driver and is now a day worker in a tile shop. He barely manages to make 2000 Rs in a month and most of the money is spent in Sharavani's medical expenses.

Already 5.5 lakhs has been raised through the campaign and they are just short of 7 lakh rupees. Please come forward to support Sharvani.

Supporting Document

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