6-Month-Old Baby Samriddho Needs An Urgent Liver Transplant To Live

Samriddho is a 6-month-old baby with liver failure. His health is failing and he needs a liver transplant at the earliest. His parents Sourav and Madhumitha have waited 6 years to have Samriddho and are desperate to save his life.

Samriddho and his mother at the hospital

Samriddho has seen the inside of the hospital more than he has seen home

Samriddho's birth was a much-awaited occasion for his parents. When he was born, they finally felt that their family was complete. But just 2 weeks after his birth, his eyes and skin turned yellow. The local doctor in Kalyani, West Bengal. He assured them that this was normal and sent them home.

When Samriddho's condition only got worse, his parents took him to another doctor. He informed them that Samriddho needed to go to a specialty hospital at once because his condition was critical. Since then, the family has been traveling from Delhi to Kolkata trying to save Samriddho.

“His birth was a very happy occasion for my family and friends. We wanted our baby to come home and be showered with love. We were looking forward to seeing him explore the new world he has been born into. But instead, all he sees is his worried parents in cold, clinical hospital rooms,” Sourav says.
Samriddho with his father Sourav

Sourav teaches Sociology at a local institution and thus far, his colleagues have been supportive in helping him. But anxiety for Samriddho and the expenses are taking a toll on the parents. Particularly, when they see that Samriddho is not putting on weight and keeps getting a fever.

This father is very worried about his son's life

The last few months have been very difficult for these new parents. They have been travelling from their town to Kolkata and Delhi for treatment. Nothing prepared these parents for dealing with their baby being so sick. They are heartbroken and constantly scared for Samriddho's life.  

“My wife has been in a hospital with my son even before her stitches from the delivery could dry. My small son's body is full of needle marks from where medicines are injected. Sometimes, I feel that he looks at us with pleading eyes, like he's asking us to help. But he has no language – his only language is crying,” Sourav says.
Sourav is donating a part of his own liver to save Samriddho. Samriddho's treatment has already been very delayed and it is only getting worse. A transplant at the earliest is his best shot. He is undergoing pre-transplant treatment, but it will be of no use if he is unable to get a transplant.

Sourav has already spent over Rs 7 lakhs and is struggling to arrange for funds to even continue treatment. With his modest salary, arranging Rs 16 lakhs for a liver transplant in time is beyond his means. He needs immediate financial support in saving Samriddho.

How you can help

Samriddho's parents are physically and mentally exhausted and now they are worried about getting enough funds in time to save their baby.

Your contribution will give these disheartened parents hope in this trying time.

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this campaign have been verified with the concerned hospital. For more details, please contact the campaign organizer or the hospital.

Click here to save baby Samriddho