Milaap Champions: Priya VK Singh

Priya VK Singh is another one of our super champions. She has been a supporter of Milaap for a long time, always pitching in whenever she had something to say on Facebook and being available whenever we called on her. During our "Adopt an Entrepreneur" campaign, she did not disappoint us, she adopted a young entrepreneur called Annapurna, and fully fundraised for her, and when she raised more than Annapurna needed, she gave it to another entrepreneur just as deserving. Here is Priya's story!

How did you get to hear about Milaap?

From the Facebook status of a Singapore based "friend" whom I have never met but whose opinions/beliefs/causes espoused are greatly similar to mine - she works in the water sector.

Is there any particular cause on Milaap that is very close to your heart? If yes, why?

All these are worthy causes, and at a certain level, they are all inter connected, but yes, I do prefer to loan to women. My strong conviction is that empowerment and education of women alone can lift India out of poverty and backwardness.

You recently completed our “Adopt an Entrepreneur” challenge: to fundraise fully for an entrepreneur so that he/she could expand his/her business. What motivated you to do this?

The slogan - we share patriotic songs on Independence Day, stories of freedom fighters, watch the TV telecast of parades, perhaps step out and participate in a flag hoisting ceremony and sing the national anthem. All that doesn't help one bit in taking our nation forward, or repaying our debt of gratitude to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for the nation's independence, or those who continue to protect our independence by guarding our borders at cost of life and limb.

How did you go about it? What was your method?

I ran through my list of contacts and friends, identified those who I know have a social conscience , and made a one-on-one appeal to them via email. I also shared it on Facebook and appealed to the patriotic sentiment of my friends.

Any special secrets/tips that you can pass on to our community so that they can one day fundraise the way you did?

Participate in the causes and initiatives that are dear to the hearts of your friends - a majority of them reciprocate. :) Also, one good deed multiplies exponentially!

Tell us more about yourself. What do you do day to day? What are you passionate about?

I am a mother, wife and civil servant. I am on a sabbatical, in order to spend more time with my teenage sons, so I read the whole day, write, garden and promote causes closest to my heart, such as sanitation, women empowerment, anti corruption and education.

Who/what inspired you to do now?

Too many inspirational figures to enumerate! The greatest inspiration is my father, whose compassion, integrity and love of literature opened so many worlds to me that "sarve santu sukhinah" became my motto.

If you were to change it, what would you do instead? Why?

I live a fulfilling life, the only thing I'd change is to enter electoral politics when my sons begin college. We need to change the perception that people have of politics - it is too noble a profession to be left to scoundrels. :)

Any question for us?

No question! :)

Any thoughts or interesting thing you would like to share with us and our supporters?

"No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main."  John Donne

Thank you so much Priya for your time and insights!