This 2.5 years old boy frequently suffers blood loss due to rare genetic condition

2.5 years old Likhit has been suffering from a rare condition which causes frequent bleeding and does not allow wounds to heal easily. The child's immunity is extremely low and he frequently undergoes blood transfusion. For the last 1 year, the disease has caused extreme pain and discomfort to the child. Seeing their child cry in pain and seeing him bleeding makes the parents extremely sad, the child used to be a happy kid but after he suffered the condition, he feels irritated and cries a lot.
The doctors have suggested the only way to save him from this condition is by undergoing an urgent bone marrow transplant surgery.

The parents have already spent more than 6.5 lakhs in his treatment and now require your support to save their only child.

"The only happiness after a long time in my life has been the birth of Likhit" - Bharat

Likhit's family hails from Bangalore. The parents got married in 2012. Bharat - Likhit's father recalls " Due to financial difficulties and commitments to my family. I got married late. I had to face many struggles in my life and for the longest time my family was deprived of happiness."

I lost my Mother in 2011 to a sudden heart attack, my family with other issues had also go through the pain of loss of my mother.
When my wife Kala gave birth to Likhit in 2012, It was the happiest day of the family and we were extremely happy to see a happy and healthy child.
Kala and I have had the best time of our lifes with Likhit, we feel extremely sad seeing our child in such a condition.

It all started when Likhit complained of bleeding in gums

Likhit has been a very healthy, happy and an active child, however, since last one year he has been suffering from low immunity which doesn't allow any type of wound to heal quickly. It all started when Likhit complained of pain in gums and then eventually started bleeding.
Initially, the doctor was unable to diagnose what actually had happened and gave him antibiotics and medicines to heal the wound. However the occurrence of bleeding become frequent and doctors had to make a lot of efforts to stop Likhit from bleeding.

Likhit was referred to St John's hospital and from there he was taken to cmc, where after running a serious test it was identified that he was suffering from Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) type 2. Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD), is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by immunodeficiency resulting in recurrent infections.Individuals with LAD suffer from bacterial infections beginning in the neonatal period.
The doctors suggested the only way to save him his by undergoing a bone marrow transplant. The parents agreed to ahead with treatment, however they do not have sufficient funds to arrange for his treatment.

Why should you contribute?

Bharat has been idealson, brother, father and A husband. Despite being the youngest one in the family he has been taking care of everyone.

Bharat's father used to own a transport company, however, he incurred heavy losses in the business and had to eventually shut his business down, the loss resulted in losing their own home and take up a house on rent.

Since a young age Bharat took the responsibility of his house and working very hard to make his family lead a comfortable life.
Bharat takes care of all the expenses in the family. With an income of 30 thousand arrange 33 lakhs for a BMT transplant looks like a daunting task for him.

Bharat already has exhausted his savings close to Rs 3 lakhs on the treatment of the child and has now ran out of sources from where he can arrange funds.

Also, he does not want to see another loss in his family since he witnessed his mother pass away in 2011 and his elder brother pass away in 2014, both due to a fatal heart attack.

Your support will help bring happiness in the family and also bring normalcy in the life of Bharat.

Please come forward to supporting Likhit's treatment.

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