Help Kashif Who Is 12 Lakhs In Debt And Still Struggling To Beat Blood Cancer

Saquib's 20-year-old brother Kashif is fighting blood cancer since August 2017. For treatment Saquib has taken an expensive personal loan – the maximum that someone with his salary was eligible for. But Kashif's treatment has only just started and to get better, he needs treatment till next March. Saquib is needs help saving his only brother from Cancer.

It took Kashif's mother a month to come to terms with his cancer

Kashif is the third child in his family and his cancer was a shock to every one in the family. His mother was so inconsolable that Kashif had to go to Mumbai for treatment with other relatives. It is only after a month that she went there. It is a difficulty every one in the family needed to overcome.  

“When someone you love has cancer the most difficult part is getting a hold of yourself. Only when that happens, you can share your strength with your loved one. It took us all some time before we were able to do that for Kashif. He is so young – for him to get cancer upset all of us,” says Saquib. 

Kashif with his mother at the hospital in Mumbai

Kashif has been taking intensive chemotherapy for three months now. He will need to continue the treatment for another four months. He is responding well to treatment this far, but he has started suffering the side effects of chemotherapy. His appetite is gone and his veins are so damaged – he needs to be injected multiple times before it finally reaches his blood stream. 

But Kashif seems to be taking the treatment with grace. “He is a caring, sensitive guy. Even now, when he is suffering, he tells us nothing so we don't worry. He has always been like that – very thoughtful about how every one else feels,” Saquib explains.

Kashif had just finished his BCA and was looking forward to joining MCA programme when cancer struck

Saquib is struggling to make sure nothing happens to stop Kashif's treatment

Kashif is not the only one who wants to make sure his parents don't worry. Saquib is working very hard to burden most of the treatment expenses so his father doesn't feel overwhelmed by the treatment. Their father is a school teacher and he is already spending everything he makes in taking care of the family.

“It is a very difficult time for us. With all the stress of treatment, even harmless things people say really hurt my parents. They feel guilty that and keep thinking of what they could have done so this would not have happened. I try to at least take care of expenses. One less thing for them to worry about,” says Saquib.

Kashif and his mother stay in a rented room in Mumbai now

But even Saquib started work only two years back. Not only are all his earnings depleted, he has even taken a loan for all the credit his bank offered him. For treatment, he needs Rs 10 lakhs more and even with his friends and relatives helping him – he is falling short.

How you can help

Saquib is trying to do his best by his little brother but it is not enough. With all his roads blocked, he has turned to online funding and asks for some urgent help saving his brother. With some support, Kashif should be able to easily beat his blood cancer and get better soon. 

Contribute to help Kashif recover from cancer.

Supporting Documents

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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