A Hit-And-Run Accident Has Left This 5-Year-Old Fighting For His Life In The ICU

The last time Vinesh’s grandmother saw him smiling was five days ago when he had tagged along with her to go to a function in their village in Warangal. She had just looked away for a minute when little Vinesh ended up near the main road. He was crossing the road, only to go to the other side when a car came, hit the child and drove away. When his grandmother found him, he was lying on the road, all covered in blood.

A small miss and the 5-year-old is now battling between life and death

My mother keeps begging for my forgiveness. She says if she would have been a little more careful, my son wouldn’t be fighting for his life in the ICU with multiple injuries. Vinesh is very critical, they say he might not live if he is taken out of the ICU," - Tirupati, father.

They took him to a local hospital in Warangal, it took them almost an hour to reach. But upon reaching, the doctors said they can do nothing to save him. The parents had no other choice but to take him to Hyderabad. It was almost evening when they reached and their child was unconscious. Tirupati held his hands and kept praying - there was no way he was ready to lose him.

It’s been 5 days that Vinesh has opened his eyes but his parents haven’t lost hope

Since the day of the accident, Vinesh has been unconscious. His father has not left the waiting room chair outside the ICU and his mother hasn’t had a sip of water. With her 1-year-old in her lap, she sits in front of prayer room in the hospital - all she cares about is her son’s well-being.


“Both his arms are fractured - even his left leg. Doctors said that he has had a lot of internal bleeding, his vital organs are getting affected. They say a lot of medical terms but the only thing I understand is that I have to somehow arrange for the money to keep Vinesh in the ICU. That is his only chance.”

With your help, they can bring their son home

A farmer by profession, Tirupati doesn’t have the means to afford his son’s hospital stay - it will cost him 7 lakhs. But this father will never be able to forgive himself if his son dies. They have borrowed from their relatives and paid a small part of the bills. He needs urgent help to pay the rest of the amount. You can come forward and extend a helping hand to this family in distress.

Their 5-year-old son's life is in danger. A small contribution from your side can save his life and bring back their lost happiness 

Supporting Document 

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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