He Started Working In The Hospital Where His Son Gets Treated | Milaap
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He Started Working In The Hospital Where His Son Gets Treated For Cancer But Still Can’t Save Him

It’s been 2 months since little Tarun’s life changed. 2 months since Gayathri and Rudresh left their simple lives behind and went to the big city to save their son from cancer. A cancer-ridden child, an alien city and little left in their pockets – these parents now can’t save their 5-year-old from blood cancer. A disease that can kill him in weeks.

“I was desperate. It had come down to the point where I didn’t have even 5 rupees left with me. I asked the hospital to give me a job, any job….now I work as a lift operator here. It’s the only way I’ve been able to afford his medicines and food. They have been kind enough to help me, but Tarun needs chemotherapy for the next 8 months to survive. I have nothing left with me.” – Rudresh, father

They told us to make him smile often – even if all we want to do is break down

Tarun is in the hospital 4 days a week. Every day he has painful injections. His hair is all gone, as is his energy. But Tarun keeps smiling because Rudresh refuses to let him dwell on the pain that he has to go through every day. The doctors have asked them to make him smile, keep him happy – this is the only way he can get through the treatment.

I try and show him cartoons on my phone, tell him stories…I try and take away the pain. But he’s living with it every day. There are days where he cries so much, but we have to stay strong in front of him. I will do anything to save him. Even if I’m breaking inside, it’s nothing compared to what he’s going through.”

Little Tarun wants to go home

Tarun is so terrified of the injections that Gayathri has to hold him down when he gets them. He asks her to take him “It’s been so long, amma. Let's go?” but Tarun has to stay in Bangalore for 8 more months getting chemotherapy. That’s 7 lakhs worth of treatment that his parents just can’t afford.

“I used to work as a daily wager back in our village…it was difficult for us to even bring him here. We don’t have anything left now. My son will die without the treatment, it’s something that’s always on my mind. I’m doing my best but I need your help.”

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organiser or the medical team.

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