It's not every day that you meet a girl who knows she is dying and yet not give up on her dreams. When 15-year-old Nandini knew she had cancer, she had just finished her class 10 exams. All her parents could do was cry and blame their fate, but Nandini didn't want to give up. With the help of her college-going elder sister , she went to a hospital and started undergoing treatment. Months of treatment and chemotherapy didn't help her. She wanted to be banker always. Even when all the doors of help are closed before this family, this teenager dreams of studying and getting a job. She is admitted to the hospital, waiting for a transplant which will save her but she has no money. In a few days, whatever the family could arrange will be exhausted and Nandini should return home without treatment.

When the fever continued, she went another hospital and took a blood test. The result showed she is suffering from cancer. Her parents went into depression hearing this, relatives gathered and everyone was discussing the future of the teenager who has cancer. "Will she lose her hair? Who will marry her?" After a day, everyone went back to their own lives. No one spoke about treating Nandini. Her parents were caught in the cries and cues of the relatives. All the sympathy her relatives showed her, ringed in her mind as accusing her of having cancer, being a burden to the parents.
Nandini didn't have time to cry or think about how her life has changed. "How will I get cured? How will I go to a hospital and get treatment?', these thoughts flooded her mind. She couldn't face her parents.Her mother breaks down whenever she sees her. Finally, she approached her elder sister who discussed to her parents. Having the thought of seeing their daughter recover made them confident. They decided to do whatever it takes to treat her.

Nandini's condition became worse after few months. She was advised to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Luckily for her, she found matching donor who was kind enough to come forward. Her parents have managed Rs40,000 and admitted her to the hospital. But since the government hospitals do not have the facilities to perform the transplant, she is admitted to Apollo Specialty Hospital, Chennai.

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, click here to contact the campaign organizer or the medical team
Click here to help save Nandini's life

Everyone Cried For Her, No one Spoke of Her Treatment
Nandini is the second child of Arumugam and Manjula. Arumugam and Manjula are daily wage workers. Nandini's elder sister, Durga Devi is in her first year of college. After Nandini's class 10 exams, she developed a fever. A visit to a local hospital said she was suffering from Typhoid.

Months of Chemotherapy Did not help her
Nandini was admitted for chemotherapy. Owing to the financial condition of her family, she was given free treatment for 5 months which included chemotherapy, hospitalization charges, and food. After 5 months, her cancer was under control. Nandini joined school again.
Holding Her Dreams Close To Her Heart, She is walking towards Death
Nandini's condition became worse after few months. She was advised to undergo a bone marrow transplant. Luckily for her, she found matching donor who was kind enough to come forward. Her parents have managed Rs40,000 and admitted her to the hospital. But since the government hospitals do not have the facilities to perform the transplant, she is admitted to Apollo Specialty Hospital, Chennai.

Our Help Can Save Her
She is admitted to the hospital with the money they arranged. But Nandini knows her family cannot keep her in treatment for many days. It is heartbreaking to see her face,she knows she can't make it without the treatment. We can save her if we could contribute for her treatment. Funds raised will directly go to the hospital to help her undergo a bone marrow transplant and survive.Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, click here to contact the campaign organizer or the medical team
Click here to help save Nandini's life