This Mother Lost Her Baby 2 Years Ago, She'll Face The Same Fate Now Without Your Help

"2 years ago, I had a painful miscarriage during the 6th month. I was heartbroken and felt completely lost. When I became pregnant again with Naithik, I dreaded every hospital appointment, even the slightest pain I felt sent me in to a major panic. I kept asking myself would the baby be fine? Finally, when I took him home, it was like a dream, I did everything to keep him safe and well but now again everything is out of my hands, Naithik has been in the ICU for the past 1 week. I'm watching him helplessly fight for his life." - Arthi, mother of 7-month-old Naithik.

He cannot even open his eyes due to abnormal swelling

Baby Naithik was rushed to the hospital last week because his dysentery progressed to severe infections and caused his blood pressure to drop drastically.  These infections are also affecting his internal organs. He is on ventilator support, his hands and legs have turned black in colour, his body is swelling due to high dosage of fluids and antibiotics.

"When I call him 'laddu' , he used to flap his arms in joy but now he is hardly able to make any movements, he is not able to open his eyes. I hold his tiny hands and cry. I tell him that I'm near to him, I know he is listening to me, I'm begging him not to leave me alone," - Arthi

We didn't know that lactose intolerance can turn fatal

Baby Naithik was fine for a few months when he was breastfed, but slowly he began to vomit after every feed. The local doctors suggested to give him semi-solid food, unfortunately, it made his condition worse. He began to have severe dysentery, he became extremely weak and dehydrated. He was admitted on and off and his parents hoped that he would be fine, but Arthi and Manjunath never imagined it would be so dangerous.

"I feel extremely guilt for missing the signs, we took him to different hospitals but only the doctors in Hyderabad said he has sepsis. I had so much to look forward to but now everything is uncertain, all I want is to take him home." - Arthi

Father, a badminton coach, cannot afford the treatment anymore

Manjunath earns around Rs 20,000 per month. He has spent around 4 lakhs so far by borrowing from his friends. He was least prepared for this and feels helpless. Medicines alone cost Rs 50, 000 per day and he has exhausted everything he had. He needs 5 lakhs more to continue his only child's treatment. He cannot afford it without your help.

"All we have is our baby, he is our happiness. Our lives will never be the same if we lose him as well, please help us save our baby," - Manjunath

It was baby Naithik's smile that lit up the lives of these parents who had already lost a child. Without your help, they'll lose him

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save baby Naithik