10-year-old Laxman is very intelligent and sensitive. He has always been the first boy of the class. It was in the month of August that Laxman’s mother noticed some black patches on his body. She didn’t take it seriously till he was down with a high fever. After many medical tests, they came to know that Laxman’s body has completely stopped producing blood.
What we thought as skin disease turned out to be dangerous blood disorder
One day after school when Laxman was changing his school uniform, his mother notices some dark spots on his body. She didn't pay much attention, thinking it to be some skin rash. After a few days, he was down with a fever so they took him to a government hospital nearby. Doctors told them it was some viral fever which will be fine within a few days. His condition didn’t change so they brought him from their native village of Belgaum to Bangalore. The test report shook them. The youngest child of the family has aplastic anemia- a deadly blood disorder in which the body stops producing blood completely.

Laxman loves playing kabaddi with friends but now he is too weak to even go out
Laxman goes through blood transfusion every 3 days. He has to travel all the way from his native to Bangalore for his treatment. He recovers a bit after the transfusion but his condition deteriorates within 2 to 3 days. He used to love playing kho-kho and kabaddi with his friends but now he is too weak to even go out of his home.

-These are the questions Laxman keeps asking his father every single time they visit the hospital."What did the doctor say Appa? Will I be ok? For how many days do we have to come to the hospital? I want to go back to school and play with my friends. Why do I feel so weak and tired always?"

We are poor farmers, it is impossible for us to afford Laxman’s treatment
The only way to save Laxman is an urgent Bone Marrow Transplant.Laxman’s parents work as peasants with an average monthly income of Rs 3000. Managing the expenses of 7 kids with such a small income is a big challenge. In such a condition, it is impossible for them to arrange for such an expensive treatment. The family had to take a loan of around 10 Lakhs which is already spent in his treatment so far. Now they are in no condition to arrange for another 12 lakhs needed for his transplant.
How You Can Help
Laxman needs an urgent Bone marrow transplant. His condition is deteriorating every day. He has a perfect HLA match with his sibling.It would be of no use if his parents cannot arrange for the funds needed for his transplant. You are the only hope for this 10-year-old. Your contribution can help him fight this deadly blood disorder.

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