On the 1st of March, 6-year-old Chaitra was praying after her bath, when an open flame lit her skirt on fire. She screamed in fear and pain as her body was engulfed in flames. Her grandmother rushed to save her, but by then half her body was already burned. She is now in the ICU fighting to survive, and only further medical attention can save her life.
It took more than 24 hours to find a hospital that could treat her
Satish and Nagamma, her parents, were both at work when they received calls informing them of the incident. They rushed to the hospital but had to return home with Chaitra since the place didn’t have the right equipment to treat her.“We went from one hospital to the other, begging everyone to save her. Some did first aid, others gave her painkillers, but none of them had the facilities to treat burn injuries. It was only after 24 hours that we found a hospital that could treat Chaitra. All this while my poor daughter kept suffering in pain.” -Nagamma, mother
She underwent 3 surgeries in one month
“My sweet child loved running around the house, singing songs and making fun of her sibling. Look at her now – such a small child does not deserve pain of this magnitude. In just a blink of an eye, everything changed. Her body was red because of the burns, her skin was peeling off and she cried endlessly in pain. I was scared to even touch her. I thought I would lose her. But she fought so bravely." -Nagamma
It's been more than a month since the incident and Chaitra has already had three surgeries to survive. Doctors say she is doing well, but she needs continuous treatment to completely heal. She needs just a few more days in the ICU before she can go back home, safe and sound. But the parents are struggling to even afford medicines now.
Surviving on one meal a day to save money
Both Nagamma and Satish are daily wage workers. It is only when they both work, can they afford living expenses. In the past 1 month, they have gone above and beyond their means to save their daughter. They borrowed from friends and relatives and even sold off what little they had, but all that has been exhausted now. While Satish had to return to the village to arrange money, Nagamma and her mother are subsisting on one meal a day to save for Chaitra's medications."We skip breakfast, eat the cheapest lunch and have tea with biscuits at night to calm our hungry stomachs. But none of it seems to be enough to save Chaitra."
You are their only hope! With your help, these parents will be able to save their little daughter from her unfortunate fate. Your contribution can make all the difference. Click here to save Chaitra.