This Tiny Warrior Can Conquer Death With Your Help, He Is Just Few Weeks Away From Going Home

An incubator is just a tiny box connected to cords, wires and machines that beep. When your newborn baby is inside an incubator, the bright lights, the incessant beeping of the machine with wailing alarms become significant. You watch your baby struggle to make it. You watch happy parents walking away with their little warriors, but some leave empty-handed.

Srivalli does not know what is in store for her. Whenever the nurses approach her, she shivers. She then rushes to her baby's side. She does not know what is happening to her baby. All she wants is to take him home.

One step forward, two steps back - everyday life in the NICU

At 27 weeks, Srivalli's baby arrived - his eyes fused shut and skin transparent, weighing just 750 gms, he was fragile and barely alive. He was whisked to the NICU soon. Since then it has been a roller coaster of emotions for Srivalli and her husband Kishore. Although they feel elated at milestones, as small as they may be, the setbacks stand out and shatter them completely. Just when baby's breathing trouble got a little better, he got pneumonia and severe infections. He is gaining weight in grams but his platelets count is dropping. However, doctors say that the baby can recover completely with proper treatment in the NICU for another 5-7 weeks.

"All I want is to hear "You can take your baby home". I leave for home at night with so much of fear and I come back early morning. I wish I could stay with him every minute of the day," - Srivalli,

The emotionally and financially exhausted parents are counting on your help

Kishore is a Software Engineer. In one month he has spent everything he had. He sold the little jewellery they had and exhausted his savings. He has spent nearly 10 lakhs and he needs 10 lakhs more to continue the treatment. He is desperately waiting for your help.

"I cannot tell you how painful it is, I feel completely lost. Without your help, we'll lose our baby. We can't imagine going home without him. Please help us, we'll be forever grateful to you," - Kishore.

You can help this couple take their baby back home and live a happy life

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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