After Her Alcoholic Husband Left Her, Young Mother Struggles | Milaap
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After Her Alcoholic Husband Left Her, Young Mother Struggles To Save Baby From A Failing Heart

"I am fighting alone for my son - my alcoholic husband has left us.  Aarav is suffering from a heart defect since birth. He needs a surgery at the earliest. My husband knows his son is sick but for the last 9 months he has done nothing to help us. We can’t even reach him on his mobile number. But I am determined to save Aarav - he is a fighter and I will do anything for my son,” - Ravita, mother of 1-year-old Aarav

I thought I had lost my son at birth
Ravita’s happiness knew no bounds when she got to know that she was pregnant with a child. The young mother was making innumerable plans for her baby hardly knowing that Aarav would be born with a defect in his heart. His pulmonary valve (the valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery) is too narrow. His heart can’t pump blood like that of a normal person’s heart. He needs an immediate surgery to fix this. 

Aarav with his grandfather

“My baby could hardly breathe when he was born. I thought he won’t live. But with some treatment and medicine, he started breathing. I was relieved but the doctors told me that surgery is the only way he can be cured for life.”

Even at this age, my old parents are toiling to afford Aarav’s surgery

Ravita’s husband was an alcoholic. He left his wife and baby boy at a time of crisis, without even thinking about how they would manage without any help. Ravita is clueless as to how she can save her son. She spends sleepless nights worrying about her only child.
“My father-in-law and my own father have been working really hard trying to arrange money for Aarav’s surgery. They are daily wagers and even if they do extra work, how much will they earn? We have also borrowed from our relatives but that is not enough. We need more than 2 lakhs for the surgery - without your help, I will lose my son.

How you can help

Little Aarav is born with a congenital heart defect and is in dire need of a surgery. His father has abandoned him and his old grandparents are struggling to save him. He is very weak and even a small change in the weather makes him sick. The only way Ravita can save her baby boy is with your generous contribution.  

You can extend a helping hand to Ravita to save her baby boy 

Supporting Document 

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

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