Baking for a cause

The Bake Collective is a group of amateur bakers, culinary dabblers and activists from Mumbai who have decided to combine their love for baking and their desire to help others lead a better life.

They are holding “The Big Phat Bake Sale” over Easter weekend, and all proceeds from the sale will go to helping women artisans set up small businesses via The event will take place on April 7 from 7:30am to April 8, 8:00pm at Bandra, Mumbai.

Further details can be found on their Facebook page.

Your contribution will go to artisans chosen by The Bake Collective, and the money will be given to them as a loan. Once the loan is repaid by the artisan, it will be re-lent to another artisan, creating multiple impacts on several lives.

Cakes, brownies, chocolates and puddings will be available, and you will get to interact with other pastry lovers and people who want to do good by helping others. To participate, do attend the bake sale, or if that’s not possible, make a contribution via the fundraiser page. You can pay via credit card or PayPal, or make a direct transfer to Milaap. If you chose this method, include 'The Bake Collective' in your message for reference purposes. You can also send them an email at

If you want to participate by baking, volunteering or taking pictures, you can visit the Facebook page and find out how you can get involved. You can also send them an email. Stop by their page and help out by making a loan!