A Garden in the Valley

You created the soil, I created the cup, you created night, I created the lamp. You created wilderness, hilly terrains and deserts; I created flower beds and gardens.
(From ‘A Dialogue Between God and Man’ by Muhammad Iqbal)

The Imphal valley in central Manipur is home to a number of public gardens and parks maintained by local communities and authorities. Bestowed with luscious vegetation and great floral diversity, the valley is ideal for creating these oases of peace and tranquillity. Many of these gardens are located at the feet of the hills which encircle the valley. Features such as bamboo shelters with thatched roofs and arts and crafts replete with indigenous motifs are common at these places. Then there are added attractions such as tree-houses and beautiful artworks created out of discarded materials.

Writes Bienhome Muivah, an Imphal-based writer, “For me, the appropriate metaphor for the inner spiritual centre is a garden, a place of potential, peace and tranquillity... The gardener turns up the soil, pulls out unwanted growth, plans the use of the ground, plants seeds, waters and nourishes and enjoys the harvests that result. All of this is what many have called spiritual discipline.”

Featured below is one of these gardens called Shilheipung Garden, a popular picnic spot among locals. Step in and breathe new life into your senses!

Shilheipung Garden is located near Leimakhong Mapal, around 20 kilometres from Imphal

It's springtime!

The season of wild beauties

The mushroom effect

She's using a tareng – the indigenous spinning wheel

Coming full circle