7-year-old Is Unaware That His Mother Is Struggling To | Milaap
7-year-old Is Unaware That His Mother Is Struggling To Survive Cancer
  • sravanthi

    Created by

    sravanthi kandula
  • VA

    This fundraiser will benefit

    V Anitha

    from Hyderabad, Telangana

This year, all my classmates surprised their mother with gifts. I was not even able to meet my mother. My parents have left my aunt’s place. I love my aunt, but I miss Ma and Nana. Ma is at the hospital. Nana said she has fever and that is why she needs to be in the hospital. It has been over one month, I have seen Ma only twice. I wish she could come back home.

He thinks his mother went away because he kept bothering her when she was tired

My name is Shashwath Reddy. I am 7 years old. I study in 3rd standard. My father’s name is Narendra. He is an electrician. My mother, Anitha, takes care of me. Our house is in Hyderabad. Life was superb until last year. Ma and Nana had never left me alone. Suddenly they dropped me at my grandparents’ house and disappeared for a few days. I remember crying every day asking for Ma. I promised not to irritate her. She kept saying she is tired and I kept wanting to play or eat. Maybe Ma did not want to see me because she was angry.

Anitha was diagnosed with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia), an aggressive form of blood cancer. Her husband was taken aback to hear this first-hand. He was in denial. He thought of this as an ‘accident’ because Anitha seemed perfectly healthy before. In fact, Narendra did not share the true nature of Anitha’s disease with anyone. Not even Anitha.

Shashwath misses his mother dearly and is completely unaware of her cancer

I remember Nana calling people and asking for money. I went to the hospital to see Ma. She told me that they were giving her medicines because she was very tired. She needed to power up to be able to come home and play with me. I had to stay with Gautami pinni (maternal aunt) after that. I have not gone home. I love pinni and her baby too, but still I miss Ma. Ma used to feed me every day. Now, I do not even feel like eating.

Shashwath is unaware that his mother has cancer. Anitha herself found out recently while looking through her reports. She cried to Narendra, asking him why he did not tell her. Narendra was worried that fear would stop Anitha from getting better, even taking her medicines. She has been through 2 cycles of chemotherapy until now. Every time, she is admitted to the hospital for 15-20 days. Now they are ready to start the 3rd cycle, but Narendra has run out of funds.

Noticing subtle effects of chemo, Shashwath is confused and worried

Ma looks like she had a haircut. Her hair used to be so long and pretty. Now, it looks like mine. She told me she is trying to be cool like me. As I keep looking at Ma, I feel like she has changed. It is her face, but not really. She has become thin and sad. I want to make her happy. Gautami pinni also keeps visiting Ma at the hospital. She tells me everything will be fine soon.

How you can help

Unfortunately, what Shashwath does not know is that his parents could not afford her treatment. Anitha started taking Ayurvedic medicines because chemo was out of their financial reach. Narendra has taken a bank loan of 2 lakhs, when goodwill from family and friends ran out. He has to visit the hospital twice a week. On those days he does not get paid. Now, Narendra needs Rs. 18 lakhs for a bone marrow transplant. Gautami is donating her cells to save her sister’s life.
Pinni tells me that her blood can make Ma feel better. Pinni and Ma both have to go for a small surgery. Ma can get back her full power and come home. I wish it happens soon. I wish I can lie on her lap again, and that she can feed me again.

Your contribution can help Anitha survive cancer and make her son’s wish come true.

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