1-year-old is fighting for his life after ingesting | Milaap
1-year-old is fighting for his life after ingesting turpentine oil
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    from Banjara Hills, Hyderabad

"Like everyday, I called the daycare at around 6 p.m. before picking up Sriyansh from there. On the call, all they told me was to come directly to the hospital. When I reached the hospital I saw my little baby lying in the ICU unconscious, his body covered with pipes. My baby who was fit and fine that very morning, is now living on ventilator support,” Bhraminni, Sriyansh’s mother.
Baby Sriyansh accidentally drank turpentine oil kept for painting in his daycare center. His heart and lungs are failing and he is struggling to stay alive.  His mother is slipping into depression seeing him die slowly. But Bhraminni and her husband are unable to continue his treatment. They have nothing left to save his life.

The place that they had entrusted with the care of their baby has now brought him the worst fate

Naveen and Bhraminni are working parents and leaving their 1-year-old baby in daycare was the only way they could manage a livelihood. They left him at the daycare at 10 in the morning and took him back home at 6 in the evening. This had been the everyday situation until  June 13.

“When we went to the hospital we got to know that he had gulped some turpentine oil from a bottle kept at the daycare for painting the walls. All I could think that how could a place that apparently takes care of so many kids, be so careless. How could they not see when such a small child was taking the bottles? Why would they keep something so dangerous in the proximity of the kids?” Navin, Sriyansh's father.

Baby Sriyansh is fighting multiple problems and has not passed urine for 3 days now

While baby Sriyansh was being taken to the hospital, he already had 2 seizure attacks because the blood supply to his brain had stopped. He is in a state of complete unconsciousness. Although his brain is active, he is living on high-frequency ventilator support. He had to be put on machines which perform the functions of heart and lungs. If any of these machines are stopped, his body will collapse instantly.

“Since the day of the accident, we have not gone back home. We try to talk to him. He doesn’t respond at all. Doctors are saying that not just his lungs are affected, the right side of his heart is very weak too. For the past 3 days, he hasn’t even passed urine. Doctors are now even trying to make that happen. It’s so painful to see our only baby who is so small suffer in silence. He can’t even cry.”

These parents did not expect that keeping their baby away from their sight to give him a better future would cost them his life

Navin and Bhraminni work day in and out, leaving their baby in a daycare just so that they can give him a better future. This was the least they could expect as a punishment to keep their child away. The young parents combinedly earn about Rs 22,000 a month. In just 9 days they have already spent Rs 11 lakhs which is almost 50 times their monthly income.

“We have got some help from the daycare center and some help from our workplace. But the amount that is piling up every day in the hospital is just impossible to bear for us. Bhramanni is suffering from low BP and is slowly slipping into depression. In just a day our family has come crashing down. All I want now is to keep my baby alive at any cost. He’s running out of time.”
The treatment will go on for another 3-4 weeks and it would cost 30 lakhs for it. Navin has no means to arrange for such a huge amount.

How you can help

Baby Sriyansh is suffering for no fault of his. His tiny body is covered in tubes and his organs are failing. The poor parents have to watch their little son suffer. With our support, this 1-year-old can be saved.

Your support will save this little baby's life..

Supporting Document

The specifics of this case have been verified by the medical team at the concerned hospital. For any clarification on the treatment or associated costs, contact the campaign organizer or the medical team.

Click here to save baby Sriyansh

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