7-year-old Safa never wanted to miss even a single day of school. Every morning, when her mother, Rasheeda woke her up, she would never make a fuss. ‘Mumma, I’ll get ready very fast, don’t worry. Just promise me that you will give me the strawberry cupcakes in my tiffin ' - Rasheeda would smile and kiss Safa on hearing her talk like this. Little did Rasheeda know that this hurry would one day put little Safa’s life in so much danger. Waiting outside the ICU, where her daughter is now admitted, Rasheeda sheds helpless tears hoping that she gets well as soon as possible.

Your kind support can save Safa's life

A miss in her step and an entire pot of boiling water fell on little Safa
The chill was in the air and Rasheeda thought it best to heat some water up for Safa’s bath. She wouldn’t want her to catch a cold and then miss a week of her classes, now that her exams were knocking at the door. She had just placed the pot of boiling water in front of the kitchen door when Safa came running out of the room, calling out her mother. The little girl tripped and in the accident, the pot of boiling water fell on her body. She screamed out in pain and Rasheeda rushed out to save her, but by that time already 35% of her body was burnt.“My husband, Safdar and I immediately took her to the nearby hospital. But they advised us to not waste anymore time and take her to Hyderabad. Safa was inconsolable as she was crying out in pain while we travelled from Karimnagar to Hyderabad in the ambulance.” - Rasheeda.

She is under heavy sedatives now to reduce her pain
Once in Hyderabad, Safa was immediately admitted to the PICU. She has already undergone dressing for her injuries and is now under heavy sedatives that can take away the excruciating pain. Rasheeda looks at her daughter’s face, now calm under the effect of the medicines and feels a shudder as she remembers the day the mishap happened. She sits by Safa’s side and prays that for her fast recovery.
Safa needs a few more days of hospital stay, but with Safdar’s modest income they're not sure if they can afford that
The doctors have told Safdar and Rasheeda that Safa needs to stay in the hospital for at least 10-15 days. But, Safdar fears that he would be unable to bear the cost of the stay. He has already spent about a lakh of rupees by selling Rasheeda’s jewellery. He is in no condition to arrange for 6 lakhs for his daughter’s treatment.
A small help from your side can bring back their smiles
35% of little Safa’s body has got burnt when a pot of boiling water fell on her in an accident. She needs hospital stay for few more days but her family is too poor to afford that. But you can extend a helping hand and make little Safa smile again.Your kind support can save Safa's life