Electrician Stopped At Nothing To Save Wife From Rare Cancer | Milaap
Electrician Stopped At Nothing To Save Wife From Rare Cancer
of Rs.1,00,00,000
606 supporters
  • Milaap

    Created by

  • MC

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Milaap Cancer Fund

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

Tiyasha and her husband Karthik’s love story is one fit for the books. It didn’t take long for them to know they were meant for each other, right after their first meeting. When they began their happily-ever-after, they were content with the life they had created together and hoped that they would be blessed with a new addition to their family eventually. However, unbeknownst to them their happy life had started crashing down only months after they tied the knot. 

A painful swelling in her neck turned out to be a deadly cancer

Tiyasha was still adjusting to life after marriage in late December 2019, when she developed a small painful swelling in her neck. Initial doctor visits suggested it was just tonsillitis, so they didn’t worry too much. But over the next few months, the swelling became so painful that the 22-year-old couldn’t eat, or even talk!
“I lost count of how many hospitals I had taken her to. She was growing progressively weaker and it killed me to see her in so much pain. I ended up borrowing a lot of money for all the different tests they suggested she get. I just wanted to know what was causing all of this so I could help her - though neither of us was prepared to find out that it was cancer…” - Karthik, husband

Even as she faced death, she worried more about her husband than herself

Tiyasha was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma, a rare and aggressive non-Hodgkin B-cell lymphoma, associated with Epstein Barr virus (EBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). While Karthik was running any which way to get her the help she needed, his wife knew that INR 7 lakhs was an unobtainable amount for them and would often try to comfort him.

 She would tell me that she knew I can’t earn the amount needed for her treatment, and she was okay with it. All she wanted was to stay with me until we were both old and grey, but if cancer ended up winning, she didn’t want me to think it was my fault because I didn’t do enough. Honestly, hearing that broke me, but also made me more determined to save her.” - Karthik

Chemotherapy was the only way she could survive 

After admitting her to the ICU, Karthik was able to borrow more loans to get Tiyasha’s chemotherapy started. With just the initial rounds of treatment, her swelling reduced drastically, and doctors were optimistic of her being able to beat cancer soon enough. To make that a reality, her chemotherapy needed to continue, but Karthik had run out of all means. As a simple electrical worker in a small shop, he had done his best, but was struggling to save his wife.
“I was more desperate than I had ever been. All I wanted to do was save my wife and take her back home with me. I wanted us to return to the life we had before cancer destroyed it, and do well on my promise of living with her until we grew old. But my helplessness and inability to afford her treatment weighed on me heavily, making me feel extremely guilty. I couldn’t let her die.” - Karthik

You heard this husband’s prayers and saved his wife before cancer could take her life

Karthik was beyond the end of his rope, praying for a way, a miracle, to save his wife from the clutches of this deadly disease - and you heard him. You stepped up to help this distraught husband, and your generous contributions made it possible for Tiyasha to undergo treatment successfully. Today, Tiyasha is cancer-free and enjoying her blissful life with her husband. 
“It is all thanks to you! Without you, I don’t know what would have happened. For all we know, I would have been living in a world without my wife, which was something I could have never imagined. Thank you so much for bringing my wife back to me. The doctors said she fought cancer bravely, and knowing that we had wonderful people like you behind her also gave her the strength to keep fighting. We are overwhelmed by your love and support, and hold nothing but gratitude for you in our hearts.” - Karthik
Unfortunately, Tiyasha's is not an isolated case. There are millions of people like her who are in need of urgent help. They are suffering from deadly diseases that are claiming their lives, and writhing in pain every minute of every day. In many of these cases, treatment is delayed due to inability to arrange funds on time, which in turn exacerbates their condition and puts them in life-threatening situations. You can help avoid these complications, by donating to the Milaap Cancer Fund which will also benefit similar causes looking for urgent medical aid.

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