Only An Urgent Surgery Can Save This 11-Day-Old Baby Boy's | Milaap
Only An Urgent Surgery Can Save This 11-Day-Old Baby Boy's Life
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    Master Shivansh

    from Sarita Vihar New Delhi

“When my husband came out of the doctor’s chamber and told me that our little baby, Shivansh is sick and that he needs to stay in the NICU to get better, I went numb for a moment. His little body is in so much pain because he is unable to pass stool for almost 10 days now - his stomach is bloated because of this. As I wait outside the NICU's brightly lit up corridors and listen to the incessant beeping of the machines and the cries of the babies, I am always in the fear that I might lose my newborn if we can't afford his surgery, ” - Rangeela Devi, mother. 

Shivansh was a healthy child at his birth and his parents were excited to take him home to his older brother

Just a few days ago when the nurse handed little Shivansh to his mother, her eyes teared up. The young parents were very happy - they were excited about introducing the latest addition to the family to their older son, Shivam. But destiny had some other plans for them.

“Things were going just fine for us when suddenly Shivansh started running a high temperature. His stomach got bloated and he was crying out in pain. We had to rush him to the hospital. The doctors there told us that my baby is unable to pass stool and without an urgent surgery he won’t be make it.” 

Rangeela sheds silent tears as she looks at her newborn but she is very hopeful of Shivansh’s fast recovery

11-day-old Shivansh has been diagnosed with Hirschsprung disease. It is a congenital condition due to which the nerve cells are missing in the baby’s colon and he is unable to pass stool. The only cure for this condition is a surgery called abdominoperineal pull-through which is a procedure to repair any anorectal malformations.
“For the last few days I could only see my baby through the numerous tubes and wires he is covered in. I haven’t been able to hold him in my arms for so many days now. I know he is scared, lying there all alone and I wish I could do something to reduce his pain. I want him to know that I am always there for him.” 

A driver by profession, Rangeela’s husband is struggling very hard to afford the treatment that can save his son’s life

Rangeela’s husband is a driver by profession and his monthly income is a meagre Rs 5000. With that money, he finds it very hard to run his family. He has already spent about a lakh on Shivansh’s treatment by borrowing from near relatives. The doctors have told baby Shivansh needs a corrective surgery and he would need to stay in the NICU for at least a week. The hospital stay would cost him Rs 3.9 lakhs and he is in no condition to arrange for the money without help. 

How you can help

11-day-old baby Shivansh is unable to pass stools due to a congenital condition in his large intestine. He needs to undergo an immediate surgery and has to stay in the NICU for a period of at least 7 days. His parents are too poor to afford the treatment but your help can bring the smile on the little baby’s face.

Your generous contribution can help save this little baby

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