Help Every Mother Fight Postpartum Depression | Milaap
Help Every Mother Fight Postpartum Depression
  • KM

    Created by

    Kaavya Mohanasundaram
  • K

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from India

The year 2017 changed my life forever. I went from a full-time working and traveling professional to a stay at home mother. I entered the world of motherhood with no support from my family and I was blessed to have my husband and in-laws stand by me through the transition.

I realized there were no solid online support groups in my area. Over the past few years I've also come to know that women suffer depression silently. The pressure of being a perfect mother has its downside both short term and long term.

After the birth of my second child a few months ago, I posted an honest post about breastfeeding on Facebook and the response I got from my friends surprised me.

Repost from @100happymomdays

Day 3 / 100
September 24, 2019

This post is about breastfeeding. If you're not comfortable reading it, I'd suggest you scroll away.
More moms need to read this than I can imagine :

You are not any less of a mother if you don't have sufficient lactation quantities for your child ! It's ok if you don't produce enough milk for your baby's nutritional needs. There is no harm supplementing your feeds. Feeding your child pumped milk is totally ok.
What you decide to feed your child is completely a mother's decision. It doesn't matter what your better half thinks, your parents, the neighbours or your friends. It is your body, your child and your instincts.
If you've not had a full term kid, you're probably in the 5% women with lack of milk supply. It is totally normal. I've been there. There's nothing to feel guilty about. You are no less of a mother than those who exclusively breastfeed. Seek a lactation consultant's help. Shut out all negative and judgemental comments made by people around you. You don't need that type of negativity in your life.

What does help in milk production is rest (yes, surprisingly sleep!!) and specific diet (with lots of garlic). If you have had ruptured nipples because of incorrect latching, after having tried many commercial products, I suggest the most effective medicine is butter. Yes, the in-the-fridge and in-the-kitchen kind.

And hey Mom, there is something called breastfeeding jaundice. Nothing to panic about. It gets better when you continue breastfeeding. If your lymph nodes bulge or protrude, don't panic ... It's caused by engorgement. Motherhood is no cakewalk. Time heels everything.

I hope this brutally honest post helps someone out there. Take care.

#breastfeeding #realmothers #lactation #experience #newmom #advice #takeitorleaveit #takecare #100happymomdays

I will be using the funds to set up a website where new mothers can fight depression with online tools and techniques to keep their mental wellness in check. #100happymomdays is the name of the project.

The funds will also be used to publish a short story collection based on true events and from real mothers.

Children need a happy mom, not a perfect mom.

It could be your wife or best friend. Help me help them. Mental illness is often an overlooked problem. We rush to the nearest hospital or clinic when we have a physical ailment, why do we hesitate when it is the same psychologically?

Every donation big or small will help a mother from being lost in depression.

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