The ‘Rakshak Ki Raksha’ campaign created by INTACH, Tayal Foundation, and the Indian Medical Association (Hisar) aims to provide India's most vulnerable frontline workers -- including sanitary workers, field healthcare workers, ward boys, ASHA, ANM, and Anganwadi workers -- with hygiene and protection resources as they battle the COVID-19 pandemic in India.
You can donate a 'Raksha Kit' that includes triple layer reusable cloth masks, a face shield, gloves, sanitizer, and soaps for a healthcare worker for Rs. 175.
Thanks to donations collected so far, by next week, we would have donated kits for 6,350 frontline workers in towns and villages across Palwal and Hisar districts in Haryana and in Delhi. Now, we need your help to donate 3,000 more kits.
Rs. 175 can protect a frontline healthcare worker. Donate to protect those protecting you!