Support Us For Transport Workers Covid-19 Vaccination And | Milaap
Support Us For Transport Workers Covid-19 Vaccination And Prevention
  • US

    Created by

    Usman Siddiqui
  • Ch

    This fundraiser will benefit

    COVID-19 hospitals and Quarantine centers

    from New Delhi, Delhi

Coronavirus is a tsunami heading towards the millions of people and truck drivers who have nothing to protect themselves from its devastating impacts while they are serving us during this critical time. India has over 10 million truck drivers and many of them are distributing COVID-19 vaccines, essential lifesaving medical supplies, and household goods. They have been playing a critical role in our society and yet they are overlooked and neglected. They maintain our critical supply chains risking their own health and serving us hundreds of miles away from their home. COVID-19 has set us all back in countless ways. But for truck drivers in crisis across India, it’s done more than just set them back. If they are not protected, the infection can reach thousands of truck drivers in India which will impact their jobs and feed their families.

Unfortunately, they have not been included as part of the essential service providers to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Let's stand with these unseen truck drivers in crisis.

It is our collective actions now that will make all the difference to our unseen heroes-Truck Drivers.

TOGETHER, We must protect these unseen vulnerable workers from COVID-19. We must provide essential health services and support for their COVID-19 vaccination on an urgent basis.

We as the secretariate of AASTHA (Asia-Africa Supply Chain Transform Health Alliance) hosted by People to People Health Foundation (PPHF) and Kspire Solutions committed to ensure access to the COVID-19 vaccine and protect truck drivers from this pandemic. We aim to mobilize support to vaccinate 1 million truck drivers in the country.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of India is commendably rolling out rapid response activities throughout the country. To alleviate the larger impact of the outbreak in India, the People to People Health Foundation (PPHF) is supporting Government’s efforts to scale up its response to the COVID-19. PPHF is responding to COVID-19 with support from our partners and directly working with the Government at the National and State level on:

  1. Strengthening the health system infrastructure by providing life-supporting medical equipment and supplies  to COVID-19 hospitals and Quarantine centers;
  2. Supporting healthcare workers  on infection prevention and control; and 
  3. Supporting hygiene promotion activities in the community. 

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