Alekh's online fundraiser for Memorials | Milaap
12 years old Anant Jain needs your help fight Dengue-Multiple Organ Failure
  • AJ

    Created by

    Alekh Jain
  • AJ

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Anant Jain

    from Firozabad, Uttar Pradesh

Anant Jain is 12 years old and an only child of Abhishek Jain and Neha Jain, a middle class family.

He is currently fighting for his life in Sir Ganga Ram hospital. It was a classic case of Dengue fever which has gone bad and now he is suffering from blood vessels holes and multiple organ failure and currently on ventilator and constant dialysis.

He has been administered few injections which cost INR 91,000 each and as per the hospital administration, the daily cost of ventilator itself would run into INR 1 Lakh.

The doctors have suggested the next 3 days as extremely critical. We still don't know the entire cost for the treatment but as per the doctors their first priority is to bring him out of danger and then the recovery path will be long.

We as a family are trying our best to contribute but we require your support to let his parents put together such a huge amount.

Anant, a brilliant mind, is an only child and only hope for the family.

My name is Alekh Jain and I am Anant's Uncle. He needs your support, Please donate whatever you can.
12 साल के अनंत जैन को डेंगू-मल्टीपल ऑर्गन फेल्योर से लड़ने में आपकी मदद की जरूरत है

 अनंत जैन 12 साल के हैं और एक मध्यमवर्गीय परिवार अभिषेक जैन और नेहा जैन की इकलौती संतान हैं।  वह इस समय सर गंगा राम अस्पताल में जिंदगी की जंग लड़ रहे हैं।  यह डेंगू बुखार का एक साधारण मामला था जो खराब हो गया है और अब वह रक्त वाहिकाओं के छेद और कई अंगों की विफलता से पीड़ित है और वर्तमान में वेंटिलेटर और निरंतर डायलिसिस पर है।
 कृपया योगदान दें और शेयर करें।

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