Why am I fundraising?
For the past seven years, we have been advocating for the right of education to children in rural Karnataka.We have worked for children in Gauribidanur Taluk, in the villages of Chandanaduru ,Shravanahally, Hampsandra, Hanaghahali and Shembukanagar.
We have realized that a great obstacle for the children to study is the lack of power(electricity).
We believe, we can bring a change in the lives of the children by providing Solar lights.
"Light the Future" wants to help children to have the opportunity to study even when there is no power. A child who studies breaks the cycle of poverty and empowers himself/herself for a better tomorrow.
Help #LightTheFuture Bangalore!
YOU can brighten the lives of deserving students from Shravanahalli and Chandanaduru village of Madhugiri taluk and Gowribidanur taluk.
Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Orione Seva & other supporters of the cause - There is hope in the Right to Education if we can contribute a bit too!
If you've enjoyed a blissful childhood with a quality education and upbringing, you will look back and thank your parents/ family members for everything they did to see you ...grow up happy & in a beautiful environment, without any difficulties whatsoever.
To the many deserving kids from the weaker sections in our society, they would love the opportunity to have the same privileges we did, but sadly don't - They drop out from school for a host of reasons too! Now that's not going to help better anything, is it? If you believe in helping make this country a better place to live in, give this cause a bit of your attention & contribute in a small way - To a better future for all of us, always!
one solar light per household will be the first step towards the empowerment of these children.
What do I plan to do with the funds?
The funds will be used to purchase solar lights. The cost of a solar light is Rs.2,500.
We are planning to distribute 200 solar lights to 200 Government High school,rural children (8th,9th and 10th Standard) of Sri Mahadeshwara Gramanthara Prouda Shaalai, Shravanahalli, Madhugiri Taluk, Tumkur Jilley where there are 75 boys and 87 girls studying. And to the High school children ofChandanaduru Prouda Shaalai,Chandanaduru, Gowribidanur Taluk, Chikballapur Jilley where there are 49 boys and 41girls studying.
The Children living in villages find it very difficult to study after sunset as there is frequent power cuts.So the Solar lamps will surely help these children to study even after sunset with frequent power cut problems.
With the Solar lamps, frequent power cuts will no more be a barrier to children to continue with their studies and aim for great heights in life.
We want to Thank all who will support this cause to "Light the Future" in Shravanahalli and Chandanaduru village of Madhugiri taluk and Gowribidanur taluk.