A Cancerous Tumour Is Killing This 9-Year-Old, She Needs Your | Milaap
A Cancerous Tumour Is Killing This 9-Year-Old, She Needs Your Help
  • Dr Rajan

    Created by

    Dr Rajan
  • co

    This fundraiser will benefit

    child of Yogesh

    from Nagpur, Maharashtra

Vaishnavi was playing with her elder sister Khushwati when all of a sudden she collapsed to the ground. Frightened at the sight of her daughter lying down lifeless, the mother rushed the little girl to the hospital.

It happened for the third time in a single week! My heart no more believed the local doctors who said that this was just a small issue that will go away. When I took her to a bigger hospital, the diagnoses just left me devastated. My little girl has a cancerous tumour in her brain and it is killing her.”- Bharti, mother

She suffers from seizures and faints with her mouth clenched

Vaishnavi complained of severe headache that refused to go away. No medicine relieved her of the pain and her condition just kept deteriorating.

“Every day I would return home to my daughter crying in pain and it continued like that for almost a month. But then, she started having fits and not just that, she would faint with her mouth clenched and every time it happened, I was terrified of losing her. But I never imagined that it would be such a horrible disease.” -Yogesh, father

She requires urgent surgery to survive

Vaishnavi suffers from Medulloblastoma, a cancerous (malignant) brain tumour. The tumour in her brain is blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, which is causing a fluid accumulation, putting pressure on the brain.

“The pressure is not only causing my child pain but is slowly killing her. She require an urgent surgery to relieve the pressure and a surgery after to remove the tumor. But where will poor people like us get so much money from. All we could arrange was a few thousand rupees and we have spent every rupee of it to keep our daughter alive. We don’t know what to do now.” - Bharti

A daily wage labourer who lives hand to mouth

Yogesh is a daily wage labourer who works on other’s fields as a farmer. Every day he heads out in search of work hoping that he doesn’t go back home empty-handed. Even a day without work costs a lot to his family, they live hand to mouth.

“There have been days when my husband couldn’t get work. With no vegetable to cook and very little rice in the house, we managed to feed our two girls, sleeping empty stomach on those days. But no matter how many meals we skip or how much labour my husband does, we will never be able to afford this surgery.” - Bharti

Living a humble life, Yogesh and Bharti wanted nothing but their daughters to be happy. Now Vaishnavi's life is in danger. They have no one to help, you are their only hope. Your contributions can save this young girl and give her a second chance at life. Click here to contribute.

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