9-Year-Old Sumanth Swallows 40 Tablets A Day To Survive | Milaap
9-Year-Old Sumanth Swallows 40 Tablets A Day To Survive Deadly Cancer
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Sumanth S

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

“My heart just sank when they told me that Sumanth has been diagnosed with cancer. A disease that leaves even the strongest people devastated, now haunts my son and I am terrified of losing him. He is just a 9-year-old boy!” - Laxmi

Sumanth suffers from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of blood cancer that needs aggressive treatment without which this little boy cannot make it. Currently, the he has to swallow 40 tablets a day to survive the wrath of cancer.

Their world turned upside down in just 2 weeks

2 weeks ago, little Sumanth suffered from high fever for 4 consecutive days, which his parents thought will eventually go away. But only days later, green-ish spots appeared across his body that caused them to worry. They took Sumanth to the nearest hospital, but it was not well equipped to pin point the cause of the problem. However, doctors suspected it to be worrisome and referred them to a bigger hospital in Bangalore.

“When we came here, we hoped it was nothing and we would go back in no time. But our world just turned upside down when we discovered that Sumanth has cancer. Just 2 weeks and our lives changed so drastically. I am not that well educated and I don’t know much about the disease, but I know that cancer can take my child’s life.” - Srikant, father

Merely a labourer, Srikant struggles to save his son

Srikant is a daily wage labourer and Laxmi is a homemaker. Their income is barely enough to put food on the table let alone afford their son's medical bills. They live below the poverty line and struggled immensely during the pandemic-led lockdown. They have absolutely nothing to save their cancer-stricken child and are managing solely with the help of a kind relative, who happens to stay in Banglore.

I begged and borrowed from everyone I knew to start his treatment, but they are just as poor as me. Rs 200-300 is all they can spare, which is nowhere close to lakhs of rupees that is needed to cure my son.” - Srikant

Only you can help little Sumanth

“He used to be so active, full of life, and loved studying so much. First, the pandemic snatched the opportunity of education from him because we couldn’t afford his school fees. Now this disease might take away his life altogether...why is God punishing my child like this? ”- Laxmi

Sumanth needs chemotherapy and supportive medical care to beat his cancer which will cost these parents around 16 Lakh rupees. But they have absolutely no means to afford the treatment without help - your help.

Your contributions can help this little child and give him a chance at living a normal life. 

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