If you could sacrifice one of your children … to try and save two … would you do it?
This was the impossible choice expecting-mother Sravanthi had been faced with two months ago. She had been carrying triplets in her womb, and her body was too weak to adequately support their growth. Doctors had told her that they could sacrifice one of the triplets she was carrying, to reduce the strain on her frail body, and to ensure the health and well-being of the other two babies.
This was the impossible choice expecting-mother Sravanthi had been faced with two months ago. She had been carrying triplets in her womb, and her body was too weak to adequately support their growth. Doctors had told her that they could sacrifice one of the triplets she was carrying, to reduce the strain on her frail body, and to ensure the health and well-being of the other two babies.
“The first two times I got pregnant, they… they ended in miscarriages. My doctor told me my body might not be meant for childbirth, and that I should consider other options. It was such a painful thought for me to try and accept. My husband was very supportive and understanding, but it was still so painful. So when I got pregnant again, and I found out I was having triplets … it felt like God was personally offering me a miracle. How could I refuse his gift? " – Sravanthi, mother, in tears.

Sravanthi chose to keep all three of her little angels.
Unfortunately, two weeks ago, due to some severe complications in her pregnancy, doctors were forced to bring Sravanthi’s triplets – a boy, a girl, and another boy – into this world under extreme preterm conditions. Her babies are severely underdeveloped. They are having blood problems, gastrointestinal problems, immune system problems, and, most significantly - breathing problems. Each second is a struggle for these babies, as they gasp for breath, fighting to stay alive.

All three babies have been in Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) since birth. They need to remain in the NICU for at least 7 weeks – at the minimum – to let their bodies develop enough that Anil and Sravanthi can finally lift them and hold them to their chests, and take their angels home. But this level of care will cost upwards of ₹30,00,000 at least, and these parents cannot afford that.

“As soon as I saw my first two children, I recognized them as my late father and mother, reborn into my life. I really do not want to lose them again having been reunited with them after so long. But what can I do? I’m a constable, and my wife is a homemaker. We can’t even dream of coming up with that kind of money.” – Anil, father

In their time of need, you are now the only hope. Donate, however much you can, and spread the word so others can help as well. Every little bit counts.
Three tiny, precious, lives hang in the balance.