Large Hole In 2-Month-Old's Heart Can Only Be Fixed With 3 | Milaap
Large Hole In 2-Month-Old's Heart Can Only Be Fixed With 3 Surgeries
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Need Rs.8,00,000
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    Created by

    Ravi M Keswani.
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    child of Kishor Paratkar

    from Akola, Maharashtra

Hearing a whooshing sound come from their newborn's heart wasn't something Roshini and Kishor had imagined happening. They couldn't digest that their month-old baby would have to go through complex heart surgeries to survive.  

"During the initial days, we were unable to understand why our baby was either breathing very rapidly or running out of breath completely. We were perplexed at how he was experiencing both these symptoms until we found out about the hole in his heart. It has altered the structure and functioning of his heart. My baby keeps crying in pain every second. If we fail to get his surgery soon, we are scared to even think what may happen."- Roshini, mother

Little baby needs 3 heart surgeries to survive

A week after their baby was born, Roshini felt something was odd when he would choke on her milk. They took him to the local doctor who made them understand about their son's congenital heart defect and blockages, after hearing his heart murmur. This defect was changing the flow of blood in his body and mixing the oxygen-rich blood with the poor blood.

"In most kids, when the hole in the heart is small, it closes on its own without surgery. I wish it happened with my son too but unfortunately, he is not among those lucky ones. His hole is so big that he needs 3 surgeries in total. I'm struggling to even afford one right now, how will I be able to manage the remaining two?" - Kishor, father

Hole in their baby's heart is fluctuating his blood flow pressure

In their child's case, the long-term defect can damage his heart and lungs both. It is increasing the blood pressure in his lungs, making the heart work harder to pump the blood, which is in turn putting grave strain on this little one's heart. He needs a corrective open-heart surgery to relieve this strain on his heart and prevent the bad blood from mixing with the healthy blood.  

"Despite knowing how crucial the heart is for the body's functioning, we had to return to our village instead of keeping our baby in the hospital care. That is how miserable our financial condition is. I'm living in the constant fear that if something happens to my son, how will I be answerable to my wife and myself?"- Kishor, father

If anything was at all in Kishor's control, he would have gotten this surgery by now and saved his child. But he needs INR 8 lakhs and that is the only thing holding him back. Kishor works as an employee at a grain warehouse. He has already taken an advance, despite knowing that his absence from work will threaten his job security. He keeps borrowing money, but those sums get exhausted on the medicines, leaving him with nothing but debts at the end of the day.  But his son needs him the most right now.

Their one-month old needs a Pulmonary Artery Banding Surgery followed by Fontan repair surgery which would cost Kishor and Rohini INR 8 lakhs in total. His cardiac defect needs to be corrected urgently before it fails to respond. 

Identity of the child is protected in aherence to government guidelines.

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