“Everyone at home has lost all hope, they say that I should leave it to God but I can't. I gave birth to her, I can’t leave her like that! She is my little girl... I just can’t.” - Kabita
Manas and Kabita are broken and devastated. Honey is their first child and even the thought of losing her is causing them so much pain. Honey is suffering from biliary atresia, a liver disease which is slowly killing her.

My child vomited blood and that scared me the most
“She was just 1-month-old when her whole body started turning yellow. Her eyes...we suspected it to be jaundice but soon after the tests… we were told our daughter’s liver is failing. I stayed strong all these months but few days back my child, she vomitted blood and that scared me the most.” - Kabita
With each passing day, Honey’s health is deteriorating and only a liver transplant can save her.

I am just a shopkeeper, 18 lakhs is way beyond my capability
Manas runs a small stationery shop which gives him no more than Rs 9,000 to 10,000 a month. The parents are devastated and don't have money to even get her tests done, let alone a transplant costing lakhs.“How much can a shopkeeper like me arrange? 2 lakh - 3lakh? It will never be enough. How will I save my daughter? 18 lakhs is way beyond my capability. How will I afford it?.” - Manas,father

Last night I touched her and she cried
For a baby who is just 5 months old, sleep is everything. Babies sleep on an average for 10 hours a day. But this little girl can’t sleep for more than 2 hours and it is scary and alarming for the parents. They are constantly worried about her but feel helpless and blame themselves for not being able to save her from this misery.“In the past few days, not even a single moment has gone by where Honey hasn't cried. Last night I touched her face and she started crying. She is constantly crying and I can’t even imagine how much pain she is in. She can’t even express her pain. I don’t want to lose hope like my family. I just want her to be with me, grow up and call me mummy…” Kabita, breaking into tears

Without a liver transplant, Honey will not be able to make it. These parents are devastated and desperately in need of help. Your kind contribution can save this little life and give these parents hope.