With Only 20% Of Her Heart Functioning, She Needs An Urgent | Milaap
With Only 20% Of Her Heart Functioning, She Needs An Urgent Transplant
  • BA

    Created by

    Bhaswati Ambuly
  • Do

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Daughter of Malay Das

    from Malda, West Bengal

"Five years ago, I was so devastated when the doctors informed me that my little girl's heart is malfunctioning but at the same time they can't go ahead with her bypass surgery because her heart muscles are too weak to take on that kind of pressure. Today, years later, I am again helplessly watching her suffer, knowing that her heart is heading towards a failure, and yet being unable to do anything about it. Right now, her heart is functioning at just 20 percent…which means it won't take more than a second for things to go terribly wrong."- Malay, father

Her heart disease may soon start shutting other organs one by one

Malay and Sanchari's daughter is awaiting her heart transplantation which is to be done as soon as possible. Being an only child, their life has always revolved around her; they lovingly call her 'Gogoi' because of her mischievous nature. In 2015, when she was just 4 years old, they found pale blue patches on her nails and throat. Her legs, ankles and stomach were unusually swollen and her urine output had also decreased. 

After multiple check-ups, it was confirmed that their daughter has dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart disease caused by narrow or blocked arteries. At that point of time, she was extremely underweight to undergo a surgery so the only option given to these parents was to wait and watch.

The pandemic put this little girl's life again at risk in PICU for a month

"Only we knew how we had passed those two years in extreme fear of losing her to a heart attack till she was finally fit to undergo a bypass surgery in 2017. Just when we thought all our woes were over, she fell severely ill due to the pandemic because of long COVID. She was admitted to the PICU with shortness of breath and uncontrollable high fever for almost 30 days."- Sanchari, mother 

She needs an urgent heart transplant before her heart fails completely

Despite a bypass surgery, it was extremely unfortunate that the pandemic failed all their efforts to get their little one back on her feet. Today, only a heart transplant can help them do that as 80 percent of her heart has already failed. After spending all their life earnings on her treatment, Malay and Sanchari need INR 19 lakhs more for this surgery.

"Even if I set out to collect INR 19 lakhs all by myself, it would take me 5 to 6 years to just earn 50 percent on it. But I don't have much time left. Her damaged heart has taken a severe toll on all the other organs of her body because of poor blood circulation. She can't even complete a sentence without gasping for breath now."- Malay, father 

Malay used to work in a telecommunication company but lost his job after his daughter's COVID episode. It was becoming impossible for Sanchari to lift her up alone without Malay's assistance. Right now, he is out of work but his daughter is still in the hospital ward. Her sudden fluctuations and blood pressure levels have constantly kept these parents on their toes.

"As a parent, all my dreams for my daughter have shattered. I had dreams for her to fly and pursue everything she wants but today I just pray to God to give her the strength to even stand on her own legs. My prayers are only to give us some time till we can get her transplant done. It will be the end of world for us too if we lose her before getting a chance to save her with his surgery."- Sanchari, mother

Their little one longs to witness a world where she is free from so much pain. She wants to go to school without the fear of catching infections because of her poor immunity. She wants to eat all the dishes her mom makes without any restrictions. But most importantly, she wants to breathe without timely oxygen support. All of it is only possible with her heart transplant now.

Please click here to help their 10-year old daughter get an urgent heart transplant.

Identity of the child is protected in adherence to government guidelines.

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