Help My Son To Recover From Liver Failure | Milaap
Help My Son To Recover From Liver Failure
of Rs.19,50,000
211 supporters
  • NR

    Created by

    Nisha Rawat
  • Co

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Child of Nisha Rawat

    from Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh

The day I found out we were having a baby, the world felt brighter. Every time my wife made me feel the baby's kick during the pregnancy, my heart filled with even more anticipation. I couldn't wait to hold my son, to feel his tiny fingers wrap around mine for the first time. Those nine months flew by in a beautiful blur, focused on ensuring a healthy arrival for our little miracle.

Then came the moment I became a father. They say a baby's first cry is the sweetest sound, and it is.  But those joyful cries soon turned into a sound that filled me with dread.

It Started With A Jaundice But Now Liver Disease Plagues Him

Our world flipped upside down three months ago. Our healthy son started with a slight fever. The doctor initially dismissed it, suggesting sunshine for vitamin D. However, a week later, the fever persisted, revealing jaundice. Phototherapy seemed promising, but then everything went wrong. We learned he has liver problems.

The transplant Could Save Him But 19.5 lakh Is Beyond Our Reach
"He has gone through countless tests, including a biopsy. Now, we face a terrifying reality - he needs a liver transplant. The cost is a staggering 19.5 lakh rupees, which feels like an insurmountable mountain. I need to find a way to save our son. We don't want to live a life without him." - Father

His  Mother Is In Pain, As We Struggle To Save Our Only Child

My wife, his mother, is beside him always. She holds him close every waking moment, whispering reassurances he can't understand. I try to be strong, but seeing my son in pain tears me apart. The guilt of missing his birth because I couldn’t get a leave, is a constant weight on my shoulders. Now, every stolen moment at his bedside is laced with desperate hope.

A Last Fight For A Better Future

As a BSF security guard, my job is demanding and the pay is humble. But nothing compares to the battle we're fighting now. Every penny we saved is gone. We cashed out our insurance and borrowed from everyone we knew, but it was not enough. We're at a dead end. The reprimands I get for continuously being distracted, calling home, and checking on my son during work hours are meaningless – my son's life is all I can focus on.

Exhaustion is a constant companion. Between work and the hospital, there's barely time to breathe. Yet, a flicker of hope remains. With your help, maybe we can get our son the transplant he needs. Maybe we can finally see him healthy and happy, the way we always dreamed.

Please, donate here and help us save our son's life. You are our last and only hope now. 

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