6 Month Old Baby Girl Needs Urgent Liver Transplant To | Milaap
6 Month Old Baby Girl Needs Urgent Liver Transplant To Survive
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    Created by

    Sneha Thomas
  • BS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Baby Shahina

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

Shakina and Shaik recently had a beautiful baby girl. After years of trying for a second child, their dream finally came true. Their elder daughter who always wanted a sibling, couldn’t contain her excitement. 

But just within 15 days of birth, the baby started getting severely sick and all their happiness turned into fear. Each day ever since his birth has been a battle against death for the little girl.

I am afraid that her stomach might burst 

“The local doctors said that it was jaundice. For 2 months, we religiously gave her the medicines and took her for check-ups. I can’t tell you the number of hospitals we visited… but nothing helped. Then, her stomach started bloating and it just didn’t stop. It is so big now that I am afraid it might burst.” Shaik, father

Baby Shahina suffers from a rare disease, Biliary Atresia. This causes the bile juice to be trapped inside the liver, quickly causing damage and scarring of the liver cells. The baby’s disease has progressed to a severe stage, her liver is failing. There is only one cure that can save this little one’s life- a liver transplant and it needs to be done at the earliest.

Her liver is failing and only a transplant can save her

“Last month her health got so serious that she had to be admitted in the hospital, she suffered from infections. She was diagnosed with a heart in her hole and some blockage in her intestine, she needs two more surgery other than the transplant! She is just a baby, how much more will she have to suffer? I wish I could take away all her pain…” - Shakina, mother

I am not able to keep up with the expenses, how will I save her

Shaik used to work as a mechanic in a 2 wheeler showroom near his village. His income was enough for them to live comfortably but now, he is left with not one rupee to even get medicines for his daughter let alone affording a transplant.

“I am unable to go back to work, how can I? With my daughter so sick and her regular visits to hospitals, I need to be with her. I am unable to keep up with the expenses. I managed the treatment till now with the help of my friends and relatives but for how long can they continue, it is costing so much. The transplant is way beyond our means. How will I save her?” - Shaik, father

You are their only hope, only you can help this little girl survive. Your contribution can bring this family's lost smile back. Click here to contribute.

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