This Newborn Is Fighting 5 Lethal Infections At Once | Milaap
This Newborn Is Fighting 5 Lethal Infections At Once
  • Dr Rajan

    Created by

    Dr Rajan
  • Bo

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Baby of Nabila

    from Nagpur

“Just before I passed out, I had been so relieved that my baby was born without any complications. But by the time I woke up, he wasn't with me. They had taken him to the ICU and I didn’t even know why for hours. I cried and screamed until they finally told me... ‘Your baby might not make it, but we will try our best’.”
- Nabila, mother

Fighting 5 lethal infections at once

Nabila's baby's stomach was abnormally swollen when he was born and soon it was diagnosed that it was because of his kidneys. As if that wasn’t enough, the poor baby has respiratory distress and is also suffering from 5 different lethal infections at once.

His infections need to cure completely, without which he cannot undergo an operation for his kidneys. We feared in the beginning that we might lose him, that he might not be able to bear all of this. But my baby has fought bravely. It is me who is failing.” - Faizan, father

I run a tea shop on the footpath

Faizan is a tea seller in his village. What he earns is just enough to bring food to the table and nothing more than that. He has to save for months if he wants to buy clothes for his family for a festival. With so little income it is next to impossible for him to save his son.

“I have a tea shop on the footpath. It's not even permanent, it’s made up of scrap metal sheets. It’s the only source of income I have, and I haven't been working for nearly a month now. Even if I was, how would I ever earn enough to save my baby?” - Faizan

"Watching their child struggling for every breath and not being able to do anything is a curse, a curse we have. Allah shouldn’t give such a situation to anyone."
When a baby is born, everyone in the family rejoices and awaits to welcome him or her home. But this family has been praying for a month for the survival of their baby. They kept battling and the baby recovered drastically. From no chances to 80% chances of survival, they came a long way. Just one more month’s treatment can save him. But they need 16 lakhs more for his complete recovery and they can in no possible way afford it.

“We desperately wait for the day when we can take him home but I don’t even know if…if I can take him back alive. I beg you to help me... Please.” - Nabila

You are their only hope. Click here to help.

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