Delivery Boy Needs Your Help To Save 2-Year-Old Son From | Milaap
Delivery Boy Needs Your Help To Save 2-Year-Old Son From Blood Cancer
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Baby of Kaveri

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

“My son is 2 years old and we are yet to name him. We call him Appu for now. He is our only child and means the world to us. I used to worry so much even if he got a small injury or rashes. Can you imagine the anguish I went through when we were told that his life is in danger?” – Kaveri, Mother

The trouble started with a small tumour in the eye. Appu cried relentlessly in pain and his parents took him to an eye hospital to get him treated. They thought it was just a heat boil and gave him the eye drops and medicines prescribed by the doctor. But 2 weeks later, the tumour grew bigger, rather than reducing.

 He could not tell his wife the truth about their son’s ailment

“His entire eye was swollen and he could not even open his eyes. After going from one hopsital to another, there was finally a diagnosis. We got to know that our little boy has blood cancer and the tumor can spread to other parts if not treated. I cried so much that day. I did not even tell my wife about it for an entire day fearing her reaction. I knew she would be inconsolable.”-Ravi, Father

Appu has been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a form of blood cancer. He needs to undergo intensive chemotherapy to recover. The cost of the treatment is INR 8 lakh, which is more than these poor parents can afford.

He is already neck-deep in debt

 “Appu was a premature baby. My wife had complications in her 7th month of pregnancy and her water broke. We had to spend nearly INR 4 Lakh at the time to save our baby. I still have not been able to clear those debts, how can I afford more now? I work as a delivery boy for a food delivery company, and haven’t earned a single rupee in the past 2 months.”- Ravi, Father

Ravi is unable to manage the medical expenses along with his debts and household costs. He desperately needs your help to save his only son from cancer. Click here to save Appu.

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