This Little Boy Is Ready To Go Through Any Pain To Save Baby | Milaap
This Little Boy Is Ready To Go Through Any Pain To Save Baby Brother
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Baby Irfan

    from Bangalore, Karnataka

“Ever since Irfan was born, Mubarak has always been there for him, even helping me with changing his diapers and cleaning him up after feeds. Now as Irfan fights a blood disease, Mubarak doesn’t leave his side. The other day in the hospital, I saw him ask the doctor “doctor uncle, give me any injection. I’ll take it for my brother but please don’t hurt him” I couldn’t help but cry.” – Asma Bano, mother

1-year-old Irfan is suffering from a severe blood disease called pure red cell aplasia, where the bone marrow does not produce enough red blood cells. Without treatment, this condition can be life-threatening and the only cure for it is a bone marrow transplant. Irfan’s 5-year-old brother Mubarak is a confirmed matched donor and is willing to go through the pain of needles and suffer anything just to see him healthy and happy. But their poor parents do not have the means to afford the transplant and are struggling.

Irfan is not growing and is severely underweight

Irfan was a happy and seemingly healthy baby who did not fuss for anything – be it eating food on time or sleeping soundly at night. Last month, when his body turned pale all over, his parents rushed him to the hospital thinking it must be a reaction to some food he ate. But blood tests and a bone marrow test revealed that he his red blood cell count was extremely low and he was subsequently diagnosed with red cell aplasia. That’s when they realized this was why their 1 year old looked like a 4 month old, and was not putting on enough weight.

“I would always apply a black spot on his cheek to protect him from the evil eye, but now look what has happened to him. Nothing could protect him from his fate. He eats well, but he is not growing. He has been weighing less than 7 kgs from the past few months. Doctors told us that if he does not get treatment, he can even die,”-Asma Bano

This father does not even have the means to afford his weekly transfusions, needs urgent help  

Irfan’s father, Iqbal is a welder who earns just Rs 2,000 on the weeks he finds work and earns nothing when he does not manage to. Every transfusion can cost up to Rs 1,000 if they have to get blood from the blood bank. Almost half of Iqbal’s salary is being spent on his son’s blood transfusions alone.

“I fear I have to pull my son Mubarak, who is in UKG, out of school soon. I have not bought groceries for the house in many days – my brothers are getting us food without which we would have starved to death. I need to save my son who is becoming more critical with every passing day, but where is the money? I fear I will lose him before  I get to arrange such a big amount. Please help me,”-Iqbal, father

With your kind help, this father can save his baby from this life-threatening disease. His 5-year-old brother is ready to go to any extent for him - this family needs your prayers and contributions urgently

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