3 Year Old Can Finally Go Home Cancer Free But Only With Help | Milaap
3 Year Old Can Finally Go Home Cancer Free But Only With Help
  • Mahatma

    Created by

    Mahatma Gandhi School
  • co

    This fundraiser will benefit

    child of Ashok Salve

    from Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra

Anuj was just like other kids of his age, infact, healthier and more active than them. He would play the entire day with his toys if you let him and sit with his sister to listen to stories every night. But now, he doesn’t even have the strength to get up from his bed. Cancer has taken a toll on this little boy of 3.

“He cried all night that day, saying his knees and elbows hurt. We asked him if he had fallen down somewhere but that wasn’t the case. One after the other, we visited several doctors in the next week but there was no relief at all for him. We took him to a bigger hospital in Mumbai, where one of his reports revealed that he...he has cancer.”

Anuj was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL), a type of blood cancer. Ever since then, little Anuj is undergoing chemotherapy but that alone will not save him. He needs a stem cell transplant to completely beat cancer.

Cancer has changed everything but not his smile

They live in an ashram near the hospital where there are other kids of his age, who also suffer from cancer. Despite all the side effects of chemo, Anuj always greets everyone with a smile and plays with them whenever he has the energy to.

“From the very first cycle of chemo in October to now, he has been through a lot. After every chemo, he becomes so weak that he can’t even walk without help. He gets mouth ulcers. Sometimes he has unbearable stomach aches and headaches. My child has stopped eating, he vomits even if he has water. But despite all this, he has a constant smile on his face that gives strength not only to us but the other kids as well.”

They finally have a chance to take their child home cancer-free but...

Ashok used to work as a helper in a store and earned decently to feed his family. After his son's diagnosis, Ashok had to leave the job because Anuj needed him. It’s been 6 months that they are away from home getting the treatment and now, finally, after this transplant, they will be able to take him back home cancer-free.

 “I have spent all my savings and the money that managed to borrow from friend and family. I don’t even have enough to continue his chemotherapy now. How will I afford 21 lakhs for his transplant? I am helpless. Please help me save my son.”- Ashok

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