“I still remember vividly the day it happened for the first time. He was just a 1-year-old baby. I put him to sleep and went to do my chore. But when I returned, his mouth was covered in blood, he was bleeding profusely. I rushed to the hospital immediately where they told me he has a disorder, and that he has to live with it for the rest of his life.” - Naveena, mother
A disease that threatens his life
Little Anish was diagnosed with Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (Type 3), a genetic disorder that causes recurrent infections and severe bleeding. So much so that it can cause life-threatening complications.“Ever since the diagnosis, Anish has been on continuous medications. He would bleed all of a sudden and the bleeding wouldn’t stop for days! Every month he was admitted in the hospital because of the excessive bleeding and every month he would get a blood transfusion. It is just the same now too, except we have found the cure to his horrible disease!” - Sai Kumar, father
He is all I have, and all I wish is a normal life for him
Anish needs a bone marrow transplant to survive this disorder. It is the only curative option. Each day without the transplant is costing this little boy his life. He is constantly suffering from multiple infections every day and taking innumerable medicines. This transplant can give him a chance at living a normal life.“This disease, doctors say it is genetic. It is our fault that our child is suffering like that and now we are unable to even afford the cure that can save him. Anish is all I have and all I want is a normal life for him. I am the happiest when he smiles, he looks so lovely and I want it to be like that for as long as possible. I don't want the hospital to be his second home anymore. Is it too much to ask?” - Naveena
I could lose my child like this and it would all be my fault
“I work as an accountant in a small private company. My income is hardly enough to even afford the monthly medical cost, how will I afford this transplant that will cost me in lakhs? No one I know is in a state to help me with such a huge amount. I could lose my child like this and it would all be my fault.” - Sai Kumar
Anish needs the bone marrow transplant at the earliest but it will cost the parents 25 lakh rupees, which they can’t afford.
They are struggling with funds and only you can help them save their son. You are their last hope. Your small contribution can help them. Click here to contribute.