The Treatment That Was Supposed To Cure Her Of Cancer Is | Milaap
The Treatment That Was Supposed To Cure Her Of Cancer Is Killing Her
  • Budhu

    Created by

    Budhu Mahato
  • AP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Afreen Pawar

    from Borivali

Afreen loves to celebrate Eid every year but this year was an exception. Afreen is suffering from cancer and this year she was too weak to celebrate the festival. Her family didn't celebrate either. They are heartbroken and anxious. They don't know how they can save their beloved Afreen. The only thing that can save Afreen right now is a bone marrow transplant but her family is scared thinking that they can't afford this life-saving treatment.

15 year old Afreen had a sudden swelling in her face. She also had a high fever and was unable to breathe. The only thing her parents could do was rush her to the doctor. The test results were not what they had expected. It was no skin allergy or insect bite - Afreen was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. It is a type of blood cancer that affects the white blood cells. 

Watching her dance with joy one day, and suffering from a life threatening disease the next, is excruciating  

After the process of chemotherapy sessions started, there was another problem that cropped up. Afreen’s body started reacting against the sessions, she was in agonizing pain.

We were told that the body might react, meaning the therapy is working, hence we continued, only to believe she will come healthy after this. But, to our dismay, with just few sessions remaining, a blood clot was found in her chest. They said she needs a surgery to remove that." - Umardeen, father. 

Afreen's nightmares seemed never-ending

“Afreen’s day started with stomach pains, intense body aches and swelling on her body. Her body was reacting to the therapy, however we did not know how to react to it. Her excruciating stomach pain led to uneven menstrual cycle, getting periods 3-4 times a month with heavy flow." 

15 people living in one house - they've always had to cut costs just to put a meal on the table

The joint family consisting of 15 people, have stuck through thick and thin for Afreen. But Umardeen, who runs a small shop, makes barely enough to feed the entire family. He can't even hope to come up with the money that his Afreen needs, in such a short time. Her passion and love to paint and dance still pertains, but is already fading. She is extremely homesick, and wants to paint a better life for herself outside the hospital. 

Umardeen needs 5 lakhs for his daughter's treatment  - you are his only hope. A small contribution from your side can change these grieving parents lives for better.

Help Afreen so that she can finally go home and celebrate with her family!

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