16-yr-old Is Suffering From 6 Life-Threatening Conditions | Milaap
16-yr-old Is Suffering From 6 Life-Threatening Conditions
  • SI

    Created by

    Siraju Islam
  • AB

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Adrika Barik

    from Bangalore East, Karnataka

“So much has happened in such a short time. Just three weeks ago we were watching TV together and laughing… now we are watching her lying on a hospital bed, slowly slipping away from us… Why is this happening to her? Why is this happening to us?”
– Jhuma, mother of Adrika, weeping

She is the pride and joy of her parents

Adrika is the kind of girl who decided at just 13 years old that she loves Chemistry and wants to become a Researcher one day. She is the kind of soul who once missed a day of school because she saw an old lady get hit by a bike and decided to help her and stay with her all day. She is the kind of student who made up for the absence by getting 100% on a test the next morning.

Her condition went from healthy to critical within one day

Adrika was diagnosed with Diabetes when she was just 8 years old. It was never a problem because her family was diligent about making her take her medicines at the right time every day. But in the last week of August, she woke up with a fever and slight stomach pain. By the next day her condition was so bad she had to be admitted in the ICU.

The more tests the doctors ran, the more they discovered how severe her suffering was

Adrika had been admitted due to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA), a complication of her diabetes. But over the past three weeks doctors have diagnosed her with at least 6 life-threatening conditions and complications. Poor Adrika is in pain all the time because of the DKA, her muscles are slowly dissolving into her blood which is slowly destroying her kidneys, she has multiple internal infections causing constant fever. The combination of all these sometimes affects her brain as well, causing moments where she can’t even recognize her own parents.

Her father is at a loss, for words and for money

“The first time it happened, maybe a week after she got admitted, she woke up after being unconscious for longer than usual. When I touched her face, she looked at me and… and her eyes were blank. Just blank. My daughter was looking at me, but… she was not seeing her father. My heart broke that day, because it was my fault. I can’t afford the treatment she needs, and each day that I can’t get her proper treatment, I’m losing more and more of my daughter.”
– Dipak, unable to continue

Unfortunately, he is right. Young Adrika needs extensive 24x7 care for at least a month or two so her conditions can be fixed one by one. But Dipak is just a private worker, and completely out of all funds. He has already taken as many loans as he can, but it’s nowhere near enough.

This 16-year old does not deserve to die. She deserves to grow up and keep helping those around her, keep making her parents proud. She deserves to become a Chemistry Researcher one day.

It is now up to you and your kindness to save Young Adrika’s life. Donate now, and share her story. Donate and save Young Adrika.

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